Kites - Kite Gear - Epic Junior Pro 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Epic Junior Pro (2012)

Junior Pro (2012)
Junior Pro (2012)Junior Pro (2012)

De 2012 Epic Junior Pro in het kort.

Epic Kites is very happy to introduce the Junior Pro kite from Cameron Maramenides, world's youngest pro rider. The sizes will be 4M with 17 meter lines. This is not a TOY! It is a kite made for those of us who really want our kids to excel and not just put them on a smaller version of what an adult rides. This kite has the performance of the Renegade line but in a smaller size made for the young guns. One pump, compact bridle, super easy relaunch and incredible depower make is also a kite that is excellent to teach those just starting out. Watch out though, pretty soon junior will be out jumping you!

The JUNIOR PRO bar is specially made just for the small hands and shorter arms. That is what makes this kite package very different than any other brand. The bar design is to cater to the strength to weight ratio of those under 12 and 110 pounds. We took the input of our dealers in order to introduce a bar that was made for the safety of kids and schools. Designed with a reduced diameter and a small chicken loop to make it easier to hold onto and release the safety. A shorter depower line that has no stopper and a break line 2 meters above the swivel make this a very safe bar for kids and teaching.

P.S. You might get some nasty looks from the kids but, you can always use the JUNIOR PRO 4 with the XTEND bar for stronger winds, if your RENEGADE 5 has too much power. Cameron's dad uses the JUNIOR PRO 4 with the XTEND bar in winds from 20 to 42 knots on his surf board. But Cameron doesn't know about that so let's keep it that way. Schools loves using the JUNIOR PRO with or with out the Junior Pro bar.



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