Kites - Kite Gear - Epic Renegade LTD 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Epic Renegade LTD (2012)

Renegade LTD (2012)
Renegade LTD (2012)Renegade LTD (2012)

De 2012 Epic Renegade LTD in het kort.

At Epic, we listen to our customers, take their feedback and do something positive with it. A lot of people fell in love with the Renegade kites, but wanted us to further explore something larger than the 11 meter. We took this suggestion to heart and introduced the RENEGADE 13 last year! It was an amazing seller. Not only does this fill a gap between the 11 meter and the Infinity - it was designed with the same characteristics as the INFINITY v1. In a few words the Renegade 13 is the mini Infinity. When we came up with the INFINITY v2 we knew we could improve the Renegade 13 and created the RENEGADE 13 LTD V2 based on the INFINITY V2 enhancements.

The new RENEGADE 13 LTD V2 has better boost, better pop, greater upwind performance, a little more power and an enhanced graphics package. We've kept the super ease of use and stability that made the Renegade 13 LTD a popular choice. These changes allow the Renegade 13 LTD V2 to be the ultimate choice for lighter riders looking for lighwind performance, while still allowing the kite to be snappy and responsive. There is loads of power so you can send the kite all day or pop until the sun sets! Whether you surf, teach or are simply looking to get out and have fun on the light days, the Renegade 13 V2 will deliver!



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