Kites - Kite Gear - Epic Renegade 2010 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Epic Renegade (2010)

Renegade (2010)
Renegade (2010)

De 2010 Epic Renegade in het kort.

The kite everyone will be talking about is a new freestyle/wave kite put into one. The Renegade kite combines the best of both worlds. The turn of the kite increases in power throughout the arc by pivoting off the wing tip. This makes for powered kite loops unlike anything on the market.

You need a kite that helps you find his nirvana, one that takes you to a new level and pushes the limits of what is possible for waves, wake style and powered moves. With 100% depower and incredible stability the Renegade leads in all categories of riding. Smooth lively and responsive steering makes the ideal kite for surfing and a blast to ride in any condition.





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