Kites - Kite Gear - Epic Screamer 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Epic Screamer (2012)

Screamer (2012)
Screamer (2012)Screamer (2012)

De 2012 Epic Screamer in het kort.

You wanna talk sick graphics package? Check out the 3G Screamer. We've been keeping our designers busy, but the payoff is the best looking kite in the sky. The 3G Screamer 7/9/12/14 are the evolution of the 2011 LTD kite. We've used creative strut design and tricked it out to be even more powerful and a little less fussy. The 3G Screamers are like a day at the rodeo... once those gates open - BOOM - it's a fun, wild and exhilarating ride that you go home and brag to your friends about. We're talking balls to the wall hang time, to the moon height and enough stoke to last a lifetime. If you want to see what we're thinking for our 4G line, check out the 3G Screamer LTD 10 meter and take in some of the new features.






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