Kites - Kite Gear - Liquid Force Hi-Fi Comp 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Liquid Force Hi-Fi Comp (2009)

Hi-Fi Comp (2009)
Hi-Fi Comp (2009)

De 2009 Liquid Force Hi-Fi Comp in het kort.

Liquid Force 2009 Generation 2 HiFi
5th line Hi Performance / Freestyle Hybrid SLE
Flat Water, Wave, Snow

2009 liquid force hifi comp kiteThe 2009 Liquid Force HiFi has now become the ultimate 5th line Hi Performance / Freestyle Hybrid SLE kite on the market today! The 2009 HiFi unites all of LF’s evolved design technologies from our leading SLE kites and blends that into a super responsive, direct feeling 5th line hybrid kite.

The HiFi now takes 5th line hybrid kites to a completely new level!! At the core of the HiFi is the Axis 5 Control Bar. While at quick glance, the Axis 5 looks just like our SLE bar, but a closer inspection reveals that the 5th line is attached at the top of the mainline between the front lines, which allows the front and 5th line to work in unison and always remain at the same length and tension. This line setup allows the HiFi to maintain its correct arc and shape even while being totally depowered. Down at the bar, the Axis 5 feels and performs just like our other Axis control bars, giving the rider all of the flying and performance benefits of a 5th line system while removing all of the cluttered hassles normally associated with 5th line bars. Using our proven Diamond Wingtip and special 5th line attachment system, the HiFi has more depower than most SLE’s on the market today and is able to roll and relaunch like a bridled kite, while still providing the rider the direct feel and quick response of a 5 line freestyle kite. Whether you are looking to work your way into the top PKRA freestyle spot, or just love pushing yourself and your riding to new limits hooked or unhooked, the 2009 LF HiFi is the ultimate freestyle kite that will get you there.




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