Kites - Kite Gear - Mutiny Kites P-series 2011 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Mutiny Kites P-series (2011)

P-series (2011)

De 2011 Mutiny Kites P-series in het kort.

Powered Freestyle Performance that’s Accessible.

The P-Series is Mutiny Kites’ ultra-high performance kite for aspiring freestyle riders. This kite delivers a crisp and direct feel on the bar. Combined with a fast turn rate and a large amount of depower, riders of all levels will find the P-series an exhilarating ride. Add in Mutiny’s bomb proof construction features and complete attention to detail and you will have no excuses for pushing your riding to the next level. The P-Series is ideal for grinding sliders, hitting kickers and learning the latest new school moves, or just for having a kite you can whip around the sky.





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