Kites - Kite Gear - Naish R3 2001 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Naish R3 (2001)

R3 (2001)
R3 (2001)R3 (2001)

De 2001 Naish R3 in het kort.

The R-3 is a two-line, water re-launchable kite, which features a patented
inflatable strut system. The unique body shape and twin flying line combination makes the sport a reality for beginners, yet still allows advanced freestyle riders to push their limits.

While the R3 is great for learning, the simplicity of its design is widely
popular with wakeboarders. It is designed for fast water launching, easy handling,
and “quick-turn” control. This kite makes any-and-all flips, spins
and hand pass tricks possible.

The R3 can be flown as either a two or four line kite. It pumps-up in seconds,
is easy to assemble, and doesn’t have the “spaghetti mess” from
complicated bridle lines that is found standard on many ram-air kites.

The R3 is outstanding for learning and progressing at any level, and you’ll
never outgrow it.


Foil Taper
The foil design allows for better overall draft positioning. The shape has a
deep foil in the mid-section, which tapers to a thin foil in the wing sections.
This modification stabilizes the kite by locking the power in the areas where
it is needed most. The foil also gives the kite better aerodynamic flow and
reduces “wing-flap” in the gusts.

Panel Layout & Materials
The panel layout design offers excellent seam positioning and gives the R3 outstanding overall range. The panel design, combined with state of the art technology materials, makes this kite perform better and last longer.









Euro Funcenter OostvoorneOostvoorne
Euro Funcenter ZevenhuizenZevenhuizen
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Van WeeghelKatwijk aan Zee
Fly HighNoordwijk aan zee
Funsport MakkumMakkum
Funsport van VlietZoetermeer
Kater Funsport AlkmaarAlkmaar
Kater Funsport HippolytushoefHippolytushoef
Siem de JongDelft
t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
Van BellenWillemstad
Windsurfing RenesseRenesse
Euro Funcenter BrouwersdamBrouwersdam
GearFreakKatwijk aan Zee

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