Kites - Kite Gear - North Buzz 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

North Buzz (2009)

Buzz (2009)

De 2009 North Buzz in het kort.

Finally, the waiting is over. After two years of R&D, North Kiteboarding introduces a new school kite – the BUZZ.
The Buzz meets all the requirements of beginners. Briskly pulling the bar does not immediately result in a jump over the dunes. When the kite lands on the water or on the ground, relaunch requires no active intervention from the rider. Instead, its auto-relaunch makes it crawl to the edge of the wind window where it waits for a launching impulse from the pilot. Large Dacron surfaces, Kevlar reinforcements and a new strut construction protect the kite in the rough environment of kite schools.
The Buzz has a very wide wind range and is able to water relaunch at only a few Beaufort. The simple four-line bar also contributes to making the introduction to kiteboarding safe and easy as never before!




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