Kites - Kite Gear - Ocean Rodeo One 2007 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Ocean Rodeo One (2007)

One (2007)

De 2007 Ocean Rodeo One in het kort.

Ocean Rodeo have maintained the massive wind range while increasing turning speed and bar input through refinements in the bridle and panel layout. The ONE is Ocean Rodeo’s ultimate big air, free ride kite that will let you get the most out of the wind conditions with a single kite.

Style: Flat Kite SLE (bridle supported leading edge)
Featuring our Flat Kite design the One allows the rider to maximize the power of a smaller kite thanks to a flatter canopy profile. This equates to more power per square meter. This same flat profile works the opposite in stronger winds, allowing the rider to sheet out and put all the pull on the leading edge of the kite. This is as close to full de-power as we have ever been while still maintaining control of the kite.






StormchaserHoek van Holland

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