Ocean Rodeo Razor (2015) 

De 2015 Ocean Rodeo Razor in het kort.
Razor C / SLE Explosive Freestyle
Quick, agile, ecplosive, daunting: The all new, completely re-designed Razor answers the call.
Nothing less than a ground up re-design of our legandary Razor has produced an angry, beast of a kite, delivering precise handeling and explosive power unrivaled by any other kite.
Unhooked, the all new Razor's redistributed weight and design results in a forward flying kite offering massive pop and travel for air passes and critical, just in time landings. Back in the loop, the explosive power offers our most dramatic vertical boost ever engineered. Meanwhile, our radical re-thinking of the bridle and the all new Bridle Lock gives riders the right to choose locked out, old school intimidation, or a free flowing, dynamic sheeting range.
The all new Razor is radical departure from the norm; a synthesis of a decade and a half of constant improvement; a commitment to performance and a tribute to our roots. It's built with a specific rider in mind : step up or make way for those who will.
Sizes : 7, 8, 9*, 10, 12
*Limited edition 9m's available
16-27 knopen
18-29 knopen
18 - 28
Gewoon Ron
17 - 30
20-32 knopen
Highend 40 knopen
Gewoon Ron
Niet getest - 40
Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht
Helaas, nog niemand heeft een sessie gelogd met deze kite.
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Ocean Rodeo Razor 2015
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