Ocean Rodeo Rise (2007)
De 2007 Ocean Rodeo Rise in het kort.
The new Rise answers the call for performance. The Rise is a four-line SLE packed with power and manoeuvrability. Designed for demanding riders.Setup, Safety FeaturesThe Rise starts up with a single-point inflation system. Ocean Rodeo’s new SLE bar has lots of travel available and is worth adjusting the stopper ball to your own comfort zone. Relaunching is on the easy side. On WaterThe Rise makes it to several individual testers’ all-round top-pick lists. Lots of range, power and pull go along with balanced steering that pushes testers into some of the session’s more powerful moves. The 12 m2 Rise has more than enough energy to pull our lightweights in less than 10 knots, and enough control to be one of the last 12s on the water. The Rise flies steadily and remains stable in gusts, making for a solid wind range. It’s the type of kite that loves being ridden with the board edging hard. The smooth power rolls through fast turns and kite spins, making the Rise easy to jump for intermediates. The Rise has big boosting power and will work for freestyle. Best SuitedOur bigger testers got the most from a 12 m2 session on the Rise from its abundant horsepower. Still, our medium-sized testers discovered its well-rounded handling and energetic performance, making this a perfect freeride-freestyle kite.“Nice low-end power with good turning speed. Great for someone learning Kite Loops
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Ocean Rodeo Rise 2007
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