Ozone C4 V6 (2016)
De 2016 Ozone C4 V6 in het kort.
The C4 is well known for its explosive pop and drop, boosting huge airs and massive kite loops. It meets top-level Wakestyle and Freestyle riders needs, while maintaining ease of use and control in all conditions.
Now in its 6th design version, we have made small refinements and added a new 5-Line conversion option improving the kites unhooked characteristics for advanced riders.
Refined canopy profiles aid kite stability, and the progressive forward-driving turn generates consistent power and lift while boosting airs and kite loops. When it comes to hitting kickers and sliders, the C4 V6 gives you confidence, providing a smooth predictable pull allowing you to focus on your line.
As with all Ozone products, we pride ourselves with top of the line manufacturing in our own factory using the highest quality materials. The C4 V6 is constructed with quality proven Teijin D2 canopy material and Teijin Dacron providing a crisp feel and a strong kite.
Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht
maten |
sessies |
dagen* |
uren |
tijd gem |
wind min |
wind |
wind max |
9m |
10 |
10 1.4% |
20u |
2:01u |
22 kn |
25.2 - 35.5 kn |
48 kn |
7m |
6 |
6 0.8% |
14u |
2:22u |
18 kn |
26.3 - 40.7 kn |
55 kn |
*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.
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Ozone C4 V6 2016
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