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Ozone Edge RX (2009)

Edge RX (2009)

De 2009 Ozone Edge RX in het kort.

The Ozone Instinct Edge RX is the top of the line when it comes to performance; if you like to go fast and boost massive classic style airs this kite is all about you.

The Instinct Edge RX’s high aspect ratio and thin section helps it slice through the air allowing for outstanding upwind performance and speed. Smooth and progressive feel in the bar with direct precise handling adds up to the ultimate ride for anyone performance driven.

Smooth and progressive feel in the bar with direct precise handling adds up to the ultimate ride for anyone performance driven.

This is Ozone's high performer - the Ozone Instinct Edge RX! Designed to let you rip fast and send you high, the Ozone Instinct Edge RX has a high aspect ratio and super thin leading edge and struts making it very fast and with amazing hangtime. The Ozone Instinct Edge RX also keeps the familiar Instinct feel with good unhooked ability, great in the gusts and a big wind range. This kite is for the focused kitesurfer.

High aspect ratio 4-line flat kite with One-Pump and 7 struts!

The big difference for ‘09 is the advent of having four line kites instead of five without sacrificing the Ozone feeling. The Instinct Edge RX 09 has a more powerful, smoother and progressive feel than ever before. The Ozone's "Sweet Spot" is now much wider! The bar pressure gives better feedback to the rider and the de-power trim strap is more effective without sacrificing feel or handling when engaged.

The Ozone Instinct Edge RX is an aptly named kite, for riders that like riding hard on the rail and at the edge of their limits. This higher aspect wing is not only fast, it develops a tremendous amount of energy. It’s up to you to choose where to direct that power, keep it in front of you and speed records are likely to break, send it vertical and you just might lose your stomach.

Be warned though, this kite is for advanced and expert riders that are looking for a quick kite with incredible lift and hang-time. The high aspect ratio plan form of the Ozone Instinct Edge RX, the 7 narrow diameter struts and progressive leading edge gives the Edge its higher performance characteristics.

These design features make for a faster, more aerodynamic kite which gives the Ozone Instinct Edge RX more POWER. This power can be utilized to create direct-line speed or massive lift.

The Ozone Instinct Edge RX will change the definition of getting air easy. As the Sport is a superb all-round, freestyle, free-ride kite, the Edge RX adds even more! It does everything you do on the Sport yet twice as fast, twice as high and twice as long! Speed, hang-time and height are the keywords for this design.

The Ozone Instinct Edge’s design keeps within the feel of the Instinct family, with its gust control and huge wind range yet it has the potential to take the rider to the next level and beyond. With the ability to spend more time in the air the rider will have more time to master tricks, hooked in or unhooked. For those interested in full on speed, the Edge will see you reaching that 50 knot barrier.

To achieve maximum performance from the kite, the Edge RX utilizes individual strut inflation, to maintain optimum pressure in the canopy. The tiny volume of the struts and the self seal valves mean for very fast pumping times and ensures the Edge RX performs as designed.





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