Kites - Kite Gear - Ozone Reo 2015 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Ozone Reo (2015)

Reo (2015)

De 2015 Ozone Reo in het kort.

The Reo has been specifically designed for surfing waves with a kite. In its third version, the Reo has become an iconic surf kite since first introducing this model.

The Reo is advanced in design yet simple to let you focus on surfing the wave. Versatile performance makes all conditions, from on-shore slop to cross-off barreling reef breaks, fun and easy.

The relatively low aspect kite design combined with fast direct handling generates consistent power to get around sections in a wave. Finely tuned profiles and wing shaping offer unmatched drifting characteristics - as you ride down the line the Reo will float allowing more concentration lining up the next section.

De-powering the Reo is smooth and efficient, canopy luff is progressive which means the kite maintains positive bar pressure and handling throughout the de-power throw range, making the kite very reactive at all angles of attack.

Hooked or un-hooked the Reo performs to any given task in the waves. Simply trim in with the de-power cleat before unhooking and the Reo will fly and float in unison with your riding movements. If you prefer to ride unhooked often we suggest connecting the back lines to the longer knot position. To customise bar pressure and turning speed use the rear tabs on the wingtips where the back bridle lines attach.

As with all Ozone products, we pride ourselves with top of the line manufacturing in our own factory, using the highest quality materials suited for the job. The Reo is constructed with quality proven Teijin D2 canopy material and Teijin Dacron providing a crisper feel and a stronger kite. The Reo is designed tough without the need of unnecessary cosmetic items that only add weight and drag which reduce performance.









Funsport van VlietZoetermeer
Siem de JongDelft
VersusDen Haag/Scheveningen
Kite Shop TwenteOverdinkel
Kitesurfwinkel.nlBergen op Zoom
Vliegers en CoDeventer
Kitesurshop HaarlemHaarlem

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
8m 4 4
9u 2:07u 18 kn 20.7 - 27.5 kn 35 kn
4m 6 6
11u 1:46u 13 kn 32.2 - 39.8 kn 49 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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