Kites - Kite Gear - Ozone Sport 2 2008 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Ozone Sport 2 (2008)

Sport 2 (2008)
Sport 2 (2008)

De 2008 Ozone Sport 2 in het kort.

he Ozone Instinct Sport 2 (II) is actually the 3rd generation of the original Instinct, offering the ultimate kite for all riders in all conditions. While it keeps the same concepts of its instigator this new breed is refined and rebuilt to offer even more. Ozone have reduced the overall weight and dropped from 7 to 5 struts while still maintaining that legendary Instinct stability.

Medium aspect ratio 5-line flat kite with and rock solid stability. One-Pump and 5 struts. The Ozone Instinct Sport 2 (II) is the Freeride wakestyle choice with performance.

A new plan form along with reshaping the leading edge and wing tips, all adding to a more powerful and faster turning kite. It still excels unhooked, still loves the gusts and keeps its huge ‘One Kite’ wind range.

The Ozone Instinct Sport 2 (II) has a progressive curve across the leading edge which is more swept than the original. The Y bridle back line configuration ensures the power from the back lines is applied to the correct part of the tip during the turn to keep the power constant and direct. The turn is initiated at the bottom of the tip, creating a faster reaction time, then, as the kite moves through the turn, the power is smoothed out and comes from further up the tip until it reaches the top of the bridle. Again, No Pulleys in the kite = equals more DIRECT TIP STEERING and that good ole Ozone feel.

The Ozone Instinct Sport 2 (II) comes with the “One-Pump” inflation system to maximize efficiency and get you on the water quicker. Simply pump air into the leading edge and the entire kite inflates together simultaneously.

The One-Pump system has clips to shut off pressure to individual struts, which is recommended to isolate each strut once inflated. Ozone has implanted neoprene covers over the clips and connection points to protect them during use and when packed away.

This simple yet effective device can be rolled back when using the clip and then replaced to guard it. Ozone is a License payee of the Patent approved One-pump system.







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