Kites - Kite Gear - Peter Lynn Scorpion 2007 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Peter Lynn Scorpion (2007)

Scorpion (2007)

De 2007 Peter Lynn Scorpion in het kort.

Get ready for the Peter Lynn Scorpion!

The Scorpion is an extremely high performance kite. A technically advanced profile in combination with a medium-high aspect ratio give you the perfect machine to help you ride more extreme on land, snow and even on the water.

Suitable for kite landboarders, buggiers and snow kiters who are ready for some serious freestyle and freeriding action. The enormous amount of lift and depower is what makes this kite so unique.

A single size Scorpion has a wind range of about three standard bridled foils and with a lift and float that is almost unbeatable, the Scorpion will give you the extra performance to push your limits and riding with ease.

Although the Scorpion is primarily designed for use on land, it has proven to be great for use as a freeride or hangtime kite on water. With its medium high aspect ratio, water relaunching does require some skill but the added performance in this kite will get you amazed on the jumps and tricks that Twinskin kites can offer.





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