RRD Type II (2001)
De 2001 RRD Type II in het kort.
ASPECT RATIO: P.A.R. The P.A.R (proportional aspect ratio) design , takes stability, efficiency, and power to a higher level than ever before! This concept based on a different aspect ratio on each size (higher on bigger kites and lower on smaller ones) to give the correct stability to the different size kites.
DESIGN Features The Type 2 is designed to be easy use and have a comfortable feeling of stability and control. Water launching is easy and quick, and upwind performance is immediate. The possibility to change the kite from two to four lines allows a beginner to start with a two line kite, quickly improve to the next level, and then get comfortable with a Four line bar and de-power system , before going to a full 4 line kite like the Type 4.
Construction The stitching on the leading edge and the central bladders uses the 6-layer sandwich technology. A system of construction that will give you 100% security in the seams durability. An easy all around kite for all levels that will get you quickly into the sport!
* Available sizes: 11.0/9.0/7.0/5.0/2.0 ( sizes are in real square meters flat, not projected)
* Colors: To be defined.
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RRD Type II 2001
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