RRD Type IV (2001)
De 2001 RRD Type IV in het kort.
ASPECT RATIO: P.A.R. The P.A.R (proportional aspect ratio) design , takes stability, efficiency, and power to a higher level than ever before! This concept based on a different aspect ratio on each size (higher on bigger kites and lower on smaller ones) to give the correct stability to the different size kites.
DESIGN Features The goal is to achieve a kite that has the closest possible feeling between each size. This in combination with a stiffer armature of the bladders creates a kite that has a lot of power and more range than other kites. You can hold the P.A.R. kite longer when overpowered because the stiffer body will keep a perfect shape and will allow you to de-power with more ease.
Construction We are the only company using thicker Mylar 180 grs and PU Bladder material to keep the kite as stiff and stable as possible. The stitching on the leading edge and the central bladders uses a 6 layer sandwich technology. A system of construction that will give you 100% security on the seams durability. In terms of performance you will have more power, more elevation potential for jumps, and more control when the wind increases.
* Available sizes: 18.9/14.9/11.9/8.9/5.9 ( sizes are in real square meters flat, not projected) * Colors: Red/White o Orange/White o Yellow/Whiteo Blue/White o Green/White (will vary during the season)
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RRD Type IV 2001
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