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Switch Element 5 (2016)

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Element 5 (2016)

De 2016 Switch Element 5 in het kort.

Wave Freeride All Terrain
For kitesurfers who enjoy riding waves one day and charging in the flat the next. No matter what your skill level, the Element5 will get you amped wherever you ride.
The new Element 5 is the latest refinement in the popular Switch Element line. Designed as a user-friendly all-round performance kite, the Element 5 is capable of satisfying the needs of any kitesurfer regardless of skill, style or riding conditions. A three-strut, medium aspect planform with longer swept wingtips provides a unique combination of power, speed, stability and lower bar pressure with reliable relaunch. A problem-free, fixed, no-pulley bridle provides direct bar feedback and precise control with a high degree of de-power for a wide, controllable wind range. Construction is of the highest quality using the finest available materials. Extra attention to stitching, details and critical reinforcements insure ultimate durability. The Element 5 is a complete example of what a great all-round kitesurfing kite must be.
What's new?
The new Element 5 is easier to use than ever before.
New anti-wrap 6 line bridle
20% lighter bar pressure
Improved overhead stability
Excellent turning when sheeted out
Improved strut construction
New 8m and 10m sizes
Custom tune your Element 5 with more set-up options.
Adjustable turning style and speed
Adjustable bar pressure
Adjustable power settings
Is this kite right for you
All skill levels, from the novice getting lessons to the surfer hunting the perfect wave. The Element 5 is a easy-to-fly predictable kite that will always position itself where and when you need it with the smallest input. Keep your quiver simple with the one kite that can do it all.
Kiteboarding Element 5 Wave Freeride All Terrain Kite. Sizes 5m, 7m, 8m, 9m, 10m, 11m, 13m, 15m
Perfectly Balanced Aspect-Ratio
Aspect ratio (span squared / area) is a general measure of performance. Higher aspect kites may have a better lift/drag quotient at the expense of turning speed and relaunch. Lower aspect kites may be quicker to turn and easier to relaunch but less able to penetrate upwind. When the parameters are properly blended in a medium aspect design, the best of both are achieved.
Kiteboarding Element 5 Wave Freeride All Terrain Kite - Perfectly Balanced Aspect-Ratio
Optimised Three-Strut Design
Struts provide structure and form to define the kite’s shape - both Tip-to-Tip and Leading to Trailing Edge. While more struts (5+) allow a more precise and varied outline with excellent shape and canopy control, they also add weight. Fewer struts (0-2) save weight but limit outline options and reduce canopy support leaving large areas unsupported and subject to flapping. Three struts allow precise center canopy support and shape in addition to beneficial outline options while limiting flapping and drag in the wingtips.
Kiteboarding Element 5 Wave Freeride All Terrain Kite - Optimised Three-Strut Design
Direct Pulley Free Bridle
In SLE (Supported Leading Edge kites) a bridle is used to support the kite’s leading edge shape while locating the front tow points to determine extent of de-power, turning speed and bar pressure. Bridles can either be active (variable geometry using pulleys/sliders) or passive (fixed geometry.) Pulleys allow the geometric distribution of loads and tow points to change at the expense of added moving components subject to potential failure and a vague feel on the bar. A fixed bridle requires a more precise kite and bridle combination but is extremely reliable and provides an incredible direct bar feel.










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