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Takoon Enova2 (2009)

Enova2 (2009)

De 2009 Takoon Enova2 in het kort.

After the success of the first eNova generation, Takoon is proud to introduce the eNova2, developed in close relationship with the Takoon centers all over the world.

The main objective was obvious, to offer a kite easy to handle, for all riders who want to ride with simple and high-performance equipment.

The eNova2 kite adheres to the new standards on safety.

This is the perfect kite to give a good kick to your progression, without having to change the kite after 6 months.

Riding feeling :
The eNova2 is a kite really easy to handle while keeping a great level of performance. It is a light kite, stable and easy to relaunch. This second generation is more rigid in the air and has more reactivity. Bar pressure is direct and gives accurate kite control and depower is more efficient.

What's new ?
The overall performance is optimised thanks to a more aerodynamical profile.
The new leading edge design which enables a direct efforts transfer, the independent profile between the center and the tips, the struts’ unique location and the narrow tips, all these characteristics make the eNova2 more aerodynamical.The eNova2 is also much more rigid, it’s easy to use because it’s not a high aspect ratio.
The Dacron material on the tips offers more stiffness. That aspect plus the specific bridle system and the new kite shape all give the kite more reactivity.
The eNova2 is still very light because it only has 5 struts, and it’s a kite that has a medium aspect ratio. All this make the kite fly better, it never falls out of the sky, it’s ideal for wave riding and tricks.
Depower ability is really efficient with a good bar feeling, light but still effective. Thanks to the innovative eNova2 shape, depower ability increases by 15%, so we reduced the depower length necessary in order to reduce kite power.
The eNova2 is reinforced at the critical points in order to obtain a strong and reliable kite.
This kind of flat profile kite offers a huge wind range and an easy re-launch by just pulling on a rear line. Improving the overall performance of the kite hasn’t been done to the detriment of other aspects of the kite.

Wind Range:
Size     5m    22<39 kn
           7m    19<37 kn
           9m    15<34 kn
         12m    10<25 kn

What kind of rider does the eNova2 suits?
Riders who are looking for an affordable kite, easy to handle with good performance in every discipline.
Riders who want to make as much progress as good freeriders or wave riders.





Natural HighHellevoetsluis
Funsport van VlietZoetermeer

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1 Reacties
  • thefly op 24 March 2010 @ 20:08
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    mijn eerste tube kite.
    als beginnend surfer een prima kite.
    lekker stabiel, genoeg power en misschien wel traag.., maar dat is juist een voordeel als je net komt kijken :-)
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