Kites - Kite Gear - Takoon Furia 2 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Takoon Furia 2 (2009)

Furia 2 (2009)
Furia 2 (2009)

De 2009 Takoon Furia 2 in het kort.

Low Down:
The target was an obvious one, to offer a kite with the best performance in freestyle and wave riding. Some people thought that ?at pro?le kites couldn’t be ef?cient in freestyle, why?
Takoon proposes today a technical and fast kite with the advantages of the Nova concept:
wide wind range, easy re-launch and more safety in simplicity.
The discussion is over, the result is here. The era of the Furia has come, available in 7, 9, 11 and 13m². Are you ready to tame the Furia?

Riding Feeling:
In the hand, the Furia is ultra light and responsive. The bar feeling is very direct (C kite like) to be precise while piloting.  And piloting is the word because the Furia is a really fast kite, it easily allows kiteloops and big wave riding. Jumping ability is excellent with instant punch upwards and a huge amount of lift and hangtime. While riding, the kite never falls out of the sky. Depower is ef?cient, just push the bar on it slowes down, ideal for gusty conditions. Upwind ability is also excellent. The new MAX bar is easy to handle and to use.

The level of security of the FURIA is at its highest level thanks to its shape.
In depower position without stopper, the kite goes neutral and lands without any more power.
The kite is held only by its leading edge. The rider stays connected to the kite through
the harness loop.Using the stopper to untwist lines reduces the safety aspect; it is advised not to grip it too much. The control system remains equipped with a regular quick release in case of emergency and also has a safety leash.

Relauching without swimming:
By pulling on the rear line, the kite moves to the edge of the window and is ready for relaunch.
No need to swim towards the kite to make it rotate.
No need to re-load a safety system after a « safety action.





Natural HighHellevoetsluis
Funsport van VlietZoetermeer

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