Ten Kiteboarding Pinna (2017)
Geschikt voor beginners
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De 2017 Ten Kiteboarding Pinna in het kort.
A kite for all kiters who want to have fun kiting, simple and pure.
The Pinna is a mate that fuels every fun-driven session and helps you on every new trick you’re working on. Not the big mouth kinda kite who brags with his performance.
He is very, very capable, just more the modest kind of type, a true gentleman.
With a solid consistent feel in turns and powerstrokes The Pinna gives you the confidence to focus on and improve your riding.
A big sweet spot for jumping and easy soft landings come standard, be prepared for some serious lift and airtime if you’ve gained or got the experience to challenge The Pinna!
Built around a rock solid 3 strut-platform it’s a tough one to get out of the sky and extremely easy to get back flying after an unwanted touchdown.
His excellent low-end and wide windrange will make a perfect 2 kite quiver for all types of riders.
All of the above combined with a very good drift make The Pinna the extremely stable and smooth waveriding tool, so you can focus on the wave.
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Ten Kiteboarding Pinna 2017
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