Kites - Kite Gear - Wipika FreeAir 2001 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Wipika FreeAir (2001)

FreeAir (2001)
FreeAir (2001)

De 2001 Wipika FreeAir in het kort.

The next generation. Slightly higher aspect ratio (i.e., flatter). Improved upwind performance, easily 4 lined for a simple power control via 'sheeting' the kite.

Wipika is the only wind-powered system capable of providing a solid, stable, safe and hassle free pull on any gliding surface including water, for which it has been designed and optimised.

* Easy relaunch from water: 100% success in less than a minute by a good pilot with at least 8 knots of wind.
* The skin is made of 48gr/m² polyester ripstop fabric. The frame is made of a special made 90gr/m² polyester fabric with a mylar coating.
* High quality plastic tubes are installed inside the six "struts". Access to the tubes is easy, a zipper is sewed on the main strut.
* Multiple uses: water, sand, snow and grass.
* Great flying capability (13 years of R&D)

Sizes are projected, real surface area is prjected size x 1.36











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