Kites - Kite Gear - Zeeko Krush 2011 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Zeeko Krush (2011)

Krush (2011)

De 2011 Zeeko Krush in het kort.

For 3 years the Notus by Zeeko has offered multi level performance to riders of all levels and every style.
In 2011, our objective in response to a specific freestyle and wave request, the R&D team launch a brand new range: the KRUSH.
The KRUSH is a new generation kite:
The C-shaped form is adapted to freestyle riding (unhooked manoeuvres and power tricks with the kite low)
A bridle WITHOUT PULLEYS that has been adjusted and re-enforced to permit a feeling in the waves of ultimate control through incomparable de-power.
When riding, the KRUSH delivers progressive control via the bar: allowing planing like the Notus whilst the characteristics of riding unhooked or in the waves make the difference.
The kite is more reactive and playful, with very easy control (adjustable on the kite).
The kite response time to bar input is minimum and the kite remains stable throughout de-hooked manoeuvres.
These features make the kite slightly more technically demanding than the Notus, destined for established riders of intermediate/advanced ability, with an approach to refined freestyle and wave-riding.





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