Gevonden: Maasvlakte/Slufter: Blauwe kiteboard


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Augustus 03, 2012, 11:56:11

Histeren ik was latste op het straand en neem deze booard mee.
Als uw weet wat is op de board geschijven is dan heb je hem terug.

Sorry for my Dutch.
Yesterday I was kiting at Maasvlakte. I was the last one on the beach.
Somehow one board was in the area where it will be taken away by sea.
I took the board home. It is blue color. If you know what is written - you'll get it back.
I live in Rotterdam.


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Berichten: 5
Antwoord #1 Oktober 01, 2012, 09:21:55
Hello Mike,
I lost my board in Oostvoorne at the end of may and I never got it back... Is it by chance an airush white and blue with a grey handle ?
thank you for your answer,
Best regards,
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