Iemand ervaring met dit board. RRD. TOXIC WAVE


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November 04, 2008, 19:09:54
Iemand ervaring met dit board RRD. TOXIC WAVE.

Berichten: 1127
Antwoord #1 November 04, 2008, 19:52:02
geen ervaring mee, maar hij ziet er ZIEK uit!

Berichten: 302
Antwoord #2 November 05, 2008, 11:53:16
geen ervaring, maar SICK board..

Is dit een soort Old Skool mutant board?  ziet er écht vet uit..  ben zéér benieuwd of iemand er wel ervaring mee heeft..

Ik zag laatst wel een filmpje over de pads en straps, dat systeem lijkt mij echt méga..

Berichten: 9427
Antwoord #3 November 05, 2008, 13:13:36
2008 is veel mooier

Berichten: 2759
Antwoord #4 November 05, 2008, 13:43:33
..En nu wat nuttigs. Heb even de luizenkam over kiteforum getrokken (heb je even??):

Hi Wawando,

Had my first go with the Toxic Wave on sunday (thanks to my shop for passing me one sample for testing)
Conditions were 12-18 knots / Side shore / strong tide current/ waves 1m-1,5m / Xbow 9
Felt at home on the first tack.
The round outline make the ride a little skaty if you push hard on the edge but nothing to worry about.
It's pretty comfortable, pads and straps are the same from years and are ok (straps adjustability on the fly would be a nice feature to add though)
When riding tail first you need to put a little more weight on the back foot to get a good balance.
Toeside riding is very natural, no effort there.
What about the surf? well, this board is amazing in the surf. Carving in long or short/quick turns is up to you on demand.
The board needs to be riden semipowered as the volume and size are not as large as a real surf directional, but you can better use the wave force than with a regular TT.
With the Xbow 9 the combo was perfect when the wind was in the high (18 knots) but obviously less pleasant when in the low (12 knots). I did the walk of shame a couple of times by losing ground when surfing.
Upwind was average but has to be confirmed in better conditions.
The board is built strong, the weight is more than 4 kgs fully equiped (my sample was the serial n°11), but you don't notice the weight when riding.

Conclusion: Tested and approved 

Have Fun & Ride Safe

My buddy Jonathan who owns one of the two Toxic Waves in existence very graciously insisted i try out today. I only rode it for a few minutes but thought i'd post my first impressions. More latter after we return from our trip to the Outer Banks in 2 weeks.

Clearly, who ever designed this board (Simone at rrd i presume?) knows a lot about how to shape boards, especially surf boards. This board has a totally uncompromising 'surf' feel to it without the hassle of having to jibe or ride toe side. I have a custom 5'9" thruster ,with foot straps, that i like plus a ton of other surf boards. Let's face it, jibing sucks, and riding toeside to have to clear a close-out set or even nasty shore-break also sucks. Once we all get over the 'cool' factor of riding surfboards i predict that 99% of kiters that ride the surf will be on a board like this one. There is absolutely no good reason not to.

Coming from a surf background i immediately fell in love with the carving feeling of this board. It feels like a much longer board (in a good way) than it is (i think it's about 4'11"). It doesn't feel too loose or 'skatey' and the nose doesn't flutter up in front of you when you ride. It feels like you are riding down the face of the wave even when you are rding through chop and once on a wave it has enough volume that you can depower the kite & ride the wave itself. I found it well balanced between the heel and toe side; it rides either side smoothly & beautifully.

Anyway, my order for one is in. I will report again once i've had a more full on ride but i have to say i am very impressed. It will be interesting to see what other companies will come up with in terms of these 'hybrids'. I know Slingshot has something along the lines of a twin tip surf board coming out. Does anyone know of other other companies who are?

By the way, this board is NOT a mutant. Totally different feel to any mutant out there.

I was told these boards won't be out til Jan 07' but rrd has posted them on their site. They also do a good job of describing the board.
Quickie Toxic Wave review.

Very heavy, dense, works in boards advantage, soaks up chop with its heft. Looks like mini-towboard, very cool. Skull/white design very sweet. Construction looks very solid. 9 brass inserts for each pad. Rounded rails like surfboard but thin almost like TT. Not as good on chop as Mako 150w. Board transitions great, fun for downloop transitions backside and toeside. Fins work great, could be bigger in back (thruster end). Going upwind (switch/wrong way) on board seems barely noticeable. Very handy when riding waves all the way to beach, you can go to switch instead of going to toeside or jibing. Board rocks in waves, is great for turning, very good drive, enough float to not rely entirely on kite power, great shape for turning and hitting the lip. VERY FUN in waves, especially sideshore. In onshore chop/windswell it is fun to whack pieces of chop. Board jumps very fun, good pop, no flex, good landings, though the heft means you have to land them right, if it lands in a weird direction, you'll eat it. Stock pads/straps suck, i replaced them with Liquid Force Comp pads. Much better. Paid $740 new. No discount available. 2009 toxic wave will be out soon. Don't know much about it. I ride my surfboard on light wind days, and can ride waves and jibe no problem strapless, don't have a dedicated strapped surfboard yet. Will be riding this instead. It may stunt my growth, but oh well. Can't think of ways to improve it, other than pads and fins, and maybe more concave for chop?.

Overall, 10/10, very fun board to ride, will be enjoying it for some time to come.

Hi Everyone
I finally got my rrd toxic wave board about two weeks ago from Evan at But being in southern California it’s almost like getting a new snowboard in June. Finally got to try it out yesterday. To put the review in perspective I have been kiteboarding about five years. I ride a combination of waves and flat water. I can do kiteloops unhooked, f-16's and some unhooked tricks. Surf kiteboarding I ride a 6'2 surfboard strapless when its good. I have been surfing since I was ten and competed when I was a in my teens, now in my early 30's.

Now to the review. The wind was a bit on the light side but had about half hour of wind that you can stay up wind on. The surf was small about 1-3 foot. Wind side on shore. At first impression the board edged really well and felt food under foot. It has a twin tip feel when edging. Although there is a bit of a sense of riding off the tail but not as much as other mutants I have ridden. Going backwards was a pleasant surprise. Most mutants I have ridden can go backwards but pretty much suck. This board blew me away at how easy it rode backwards. It does feel a little different than going forward but it does not have the awkwardness of other mutants I have tried. It upwinds really well backwards. Once I got in the waves this board goes from the twin tip feel to a surfboard feel. It carves a turn just like a surfboard. You can hit the lip with a total surfboard feel. It does not have the volume of a surfboard but it still has the feel and you do not have to be fully powered to ride a wave. Like I said the wind was a bit light so I did not spend much time jumping as I was focusing on waves. The few jumps I did the board poped pretty good and had the twin tip feel on pop. This board was a true pleasure to ride. I can’t wait to get it in some real waves and real wind.

I would recommend this board to anyone living with less than perfect waves. For the conditions that we have with side on winds and sloppy surf usually in the head high or less this board seems like the way to go. I will add more to this review once I get some real wind and waves.

Ik heb even in het midden gelaten of het de 08 of 09 betrof, maar moest even snel

Berichten: 302
Antwoord #5 November 05, 2008, 14:51:02
gast geniaal die reviews..
Alhoewel de één zegt dat het geen mutant is en de ander wel Tongue
klinkt als een top boardje, ben erg benieuwd!

Berichten: 5663
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Antwoord #6 November 05, 2008, 20:30:22
Ze noemen het een hybride bij RRD.

toppie wouter
Ik heb inmiddels een mail van Kubus, omdat ik geen winkel kon vinden in NL, Intofun schijnt ze te verkopen maar kan dit board niet op hun site vinden. Maar neem wel effe kontact met ze op.

Heb hier ook een testboard van Extreme liggen de wavetool is ook zo iets en schijnt echt voor de NL wateren te zijn ontwikkeld. Als ik er mee gekite heb horen jullie het wel. Als er interesse is natuurlijk.

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Antwoord #7 November 06, 2008, 00:03:36
Hier nog effe een linkie naar de wavetool waar ik het over had. loser

Berichten: 762
Antwoord #8 November 06, 2008, 11:01:23
Hier is een ranzig trage site die volgens het menu de toxicwave zou verkopen. Ik snap de site niet, en kan het board uiteindelijk dan ook niet vinden. Kan best aan mij liggen Roll Eyes
Haring High Richardt

Berichten: 9341
Antwoord #9 November 06, 2008, 11:26:03
Iemand ervaring met dit board RRD. TOXIC WAVE
Wat moet jij nou met een nieuw board ??  loser
Je vaar nooit en ben alleen maar aan het klussen en als het waait moet je naar de voebal met je zoon  ThumpDown ThumpDown ThumpDown

Berichten: 5663
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Antwoord #10 November 06, 2008, 20:12:05
Wat moet jij nou met een nieuw board ?? 
Je vaar nooit en ben alleen maar aan het klussen en als het waait moet je naar de voebal met je zoon   

Ja sommige kopen een kite van 14m, mijn grootste is 10.  ListenToMe
Nu kan je op zee heen en weer raggen, je kan ook eens wat anders proberen. Grin

Terwijl jullie regelmatig als een opgewonden kind voor jan L#L rijden probeer ik je zus een beetje blij te maken. Omdat ik gewoon weet dat ik met een 10 toch niks heb te zoeken op die momenten dat jullie voor jan L#L rijden.  schater
Tsjezus dat ik dat nog moet uitleggen aan mijn winterkitebuddy. Huh
Of wilde je je gewoon even laten horen of het topic weer bovenaan zetten. Oke dan bedankt  ThumpsUp

Geen avatar

Berichten: 6
Antwoord #11 November 07, 2008, 12:16:04
Hey Teigetje,

Ik heb een toxic wave van 2008 maar heb er nog niet echt veel met gevaren dus kan je er ook niet veel over vertellen. Het boardje heeft wel wat wind nodig en is dus niet echt een lichtweer board.
Ik ben morgen aan de brouwersdam als je wil kan je de toxic komen testen dan weet je direct of je het iets vind laat maar iets weten.

Groetjes Vincent

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Antwoord #12 November 07, 2008, 16:41:51
He Vicent,

Brouwersdam is giga ver bij mij vandaan, zit hier in de kop van Noord Holland.
Moet vast hier in de buurt wel een shop zijn waar ik hem kan scoren. Undecided
Als je er wat meer mee gekite hebt hoor ik graag meer van je.. ThumpsUp
Haring High Richardt

Berichten: 9341
Antwoord #13 November 07, 2008, 17:15:25
Of wilde je je gewoon even laten horen of het topic weer bovenaan zetten. Oke dan bedankt 

Beide  loser maar heb de laatste tijd weinig voor Jan L....l gereden  ThumpsUp
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