Code geel - Red Bull King of the Air mogelijk woensdag of donderdag


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Februari 09, 2015, 22:36:22
Na meer dan een week wachten beginnen de vooruitzichten eindelijk goed te worden en hoogstwaarschijnlijk gaat het komende woensdag 11 februari de meest extreme kitesurf wedstrijd van start.

OFFICIAL WARNING for possible Red Bull King of the Air 2015 on Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Cape Town (South Africa) - Now well into the 14-day waiting period for this year’s Red Bull King of the Air, the right conditions have presented themselves for the event to kick off on Wednesday 11 February. For the third year running Cape Town’s Big Bay in Bloubergstrand will host the prestigious big air competition as 24 of the world’s best competitors take to the skies in a unique ‘flag-out’ competition format to stand a chance at taking the prestigious title.

Cape Town’s southeasterly wind has been unusually absent or just not strong enough for the huge boosts and big air expected for Red Bull King of the Air over the window period. For the competition to take place winds should be no less than 25 knots (around 46km/h). Analysis of the prevailing weather conditions and systems have shown the wind to pick up later in the afternoon which could see a possible continuation of the event’s semi-finals and finals on Thursday.

“We’ve consulted with local meteorologists and analysed the different aspects including wind, weather, time available and days left in the window period. Wednesday’s conditions currently present the best opportunity in terms of running the event to make sure the riders have the best possible conditions to compete in.”

The field of competitors comprises of the who’s who of the international kiteboarding big air world; 5-time world champion Aaron Hadlow (GBR), Red Bull King of the Air defending champion Kevin Langeree (NED) and Jesse Richman (USA) who won the first Cape Town edition of the competition in 2013. Three South Africans are amongst the illustrious lineup – Andries Fourie, Joshua Emanuel Fraser and Luke McGillewie will take to the water and skies when the event is given the ‘GO’.

Aaron Hadlow has been spending the time waiting by making sure he’s prepared physically and mentally for the event:

“I’ve been testing my equipment, making sure I know what set up will work best for what conditions as this is important on the day. I have also be training at the gym. Red Bull King of the Air is especially demanding on the body – your core muscles and legs should be strong and ready for anything. If I know I’m in shape, in tune and trusting my equipment then I’m comfortable and set for the competition.”

Make sure you keep your eyes peeled on for more the most up-to-date information regarding event start time.

If you’re not able to make it down to Big Bay watch it live on the Red Bull King of the Air website or catch the semi-finals & finals on Red Bull TV. 
/-||_( )|-|/-|

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Antwoord #1 Februari 10, 2015, 09:15:43

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Antwoord #2 Februari 10, 2015, 09:30:11
Voorspelling helaas alweer flink weg aan het zakken. Donderdag zal nu misschien de eerste optie zijn.

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Antwoord #3 Februari 10, 2015, 10:21:49
Ik hoor van meerdere cape gangers dat de wind dit seizoen echt ruk is vergeleken met voorgaande jaren... 

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Antwoord #4 Februari 10, 2015, 11:40:35
Ik hoor van meerdere cape gangers dat de wind dit seizoen echt ruk is vergeleken met voorgaande jaren... 
Tja de echt harde wind blijft idd uit zo lijkt het .Heb 95% behoorlijk gepowered kunnen varen met de 9m2 begin jan.Was prima ,daar niet van,maar die 7m2 heb ik niet nodig gehad idd

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Antwoord #5 Februari 10, 2015, 12:47:26
Mooi zeg! Ben hel beniuewd hoe de nederlandse rijders het gaan doen.

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Antwoord #6 Februari 10, 2015, 18:46:52
za/ zo ziet er beter uit moet wel 35+ knopen zijn anders is de actie niet echt boeiend
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