Rebel 2008 eerste review.


Berichten: 39
Juli 22, 2007, 19:57:36
Wohhhh, yes finally I got to test the new North Rebel - the 2008. the kite I got my hands on first is the 10m size. A new 2007 bar had to be used as we wait on the 2008 bar, this leads to a few questions which I will deal with as we go.

Well the first test was on a marginal day of 13 - max 15 knots, which was good as I got to test the rumour of more bottom end. Anyhow here we go:

First impressions out of the bag:
Colour:- initally I was not sure but getting it out in the light and up in the air I like the new colour.
Pigtails:- pretty similar, same spit Y 5th set up, good.
Pigtail choices:- same as 2007 with the choice between bow feel and C feel, I tried both.
Extra:- there is a bungee (see photos)  which hooks onto the steering pigtail at the trailing edge, this is to prevent the lines from fouling on difficult water relaunch where the kite is on its back essentially, read the manual for more information.
Wing tips:- there has been a lightening of the load on the reo fabric whilst obviously strengthening in the critical pressure lines. The wing tip battern seems to be a lighter battern which is good for aerodynamics.
Struts:- The other change is that the struts are a more tapered shape with very tiny trailing edge size, I can only assume to increase aerodynamic performance.

Set up:- I decided to shorten the steering lines by one knot as a mid point between what the 2007 kites needed (needing up to 3 knots shorter first versions of the 07 rebel) and because the wind was light I wanted full power in the kite.

On first launch I was instantly impressed as a few things went through my mind at once:
- the kite was set up perfect, the line lengths in this wind was spot on, so there may be no need to tune in fresh wind per the 07 versions, I will see this once I get to test the 08 bar.
The other thing that was immediately apparent was that this kite canopy was super steady, and the kite was highly powered. All this was instantly obvious, the kite was filled with grunt and I put in into some power and pulled the bar in lifting me up, subsequent testing of the power and jumps on the beach showed up a few things. One was that the kite held a lot of grunt for the light wind, the other was the solid canopy - it was like the whole kite was stiff and locked in place. this was not really an issue with the 07s but it was like a mix of stability and power which was immediately apparent.

The other nice thing was the turning speed, the settings were for more bow - slower speed however the kite turned very well, not too whippy but quicker and smoother. I did swap it over to the rear pigtail settings for the steering lines and this increased the speed of the turning somewhat but did not seem to change the depower, on this day, and normally this is where we had all our 07 rebels set.

On the Water
As it was marginal I tried both my twin tip and surfboard. On the twin tip I maintained ground in the marginal wind and was very impressed with the power of the kite. It really felt like a larger kite for power, then on my surfboard I was lit and really it was only 13 - 14 knots with the occassional gust, the 2008 rebel rumour was that they are gruntier down low and this kite shows that is true, quite significantly.

I was very impressed with the turning speed, stability and power the kite presents, so much power for a little kite. It seems to me and juding by the photos that the kite is a little flatter and this would account for the power, however I don't really know this.

I rode it back to back with my 2007 Rebel 12m (the wonder kite) and it really did compare well to the power of the 12m. Although the 12m did have more power, it was less of a gap than expected, and when the wind kicked up to more consistent 14 - 15 knots the 10m had me lit, 15 - 20 knots and I would have been powered to the max for big air etc.

I tried really hard to get the kite to falter, including underflying it and powering and depowering in and out in the neutral zone, the kite would not do anything except sit perfectly. Even pulling the 5th in somewhat left it stable.
On the water and powered up it was like a balsa wood wing.

I beach launched it twice and it took of very easily, rolling over in typical bow launch position with minimal effort. I can only assume as promised that this relates to even easier water relaunch than the 2007 model.

Although the wind was a bit marginal you could feel the punch that was aparent for jumping. I could only lauch into some smaller attempts but the kite speed and larger canopy makes me itch for more wind and massive air time.
There is no doubt that this kite would rule in the surf, just the testing I did in these conditions showed that up, light winds and a surfboard - perfect.

Combine this with the increadible top end power of the North Rebel and you are  lit boys and girls, lit.

Rave review, highly recommended, as I said before my order was in a month ago. For lighter kiters one kite quiver is a reality, for heavier riders a 10 and a 14 will cover most wind. Alternatively the 9m and the 12m is a great combination as these obvious improvements on the already unreal 2007 range mean that the 2008 kites are the answer.


Berichten: 39
Antwoord #1 Juli 22, 2007, 20:04:49

Berichten: 39
Antwoord #2 Juli 22, 2007, 20:06:05

Berichten: 217
Antwoord #3 Juli 22, 2007, 20:06:43
ziet er mooi uit

Berichten: 2552
Antwoord #4 Juli 22, 2007, 20:17:16
ze zullen wel nooit een mooie rebel maken... altijd lelijk die dingen...

Berichten: 1376
Antwoord #5 Juli 22, 2007, 20:38:07
ze zullen wel nooit een mooie rebel maken... altijd lelijk die dingen...

Wie bedenkt die kleuren elk jaar weer. het wordt steeds erger. Het lijkt wel of er een kinderkledingontwerper de kleuren moet bedenken.

Berichten: 139
Antwoord #6 Juli 22, 2007, 20:53:51
uhm ik vind het juist mooi lekker fel mooie opvallende kleuren

Geen avatar

Berichten: 133
Antwoord #7 Juli 22, 2007, 20:54:23
D'r is geen enkel merk wat een kite kan maken die qua looks iedereen aanspreekt jongens.

Ik vind 't een net ding!

Berichten: 17
Antwoord #8 Juli 22, 2007, 21:10:32
Halleluja, Fantastisch toch , het wordt elk jaar beter, verkoop die oude 2007 troep toch , 2008 is hier  YeSS YeSS YeSS
Antwoord #9 Juli 22, 2007, 21:14:37
Koop ik die 2007 troep wel weer, voor de helft van het orginele bedrag (of minder natuurlijk) =D

Berichten: 39
Antwoord #10 Juli 22, 2007, 21:37:42
Wie kan me het verschil vertellen tussen bow-feel en C-feel


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Antwoord #11 Juli 22, 2007, 21:39:04
Wat is de bron van deze test (website), en staan er nog meer foto's op? Ik wil wel een detail foto zien van de elastieken aan de achterte pigtails.

Berichten: 39
Antwoord #12 Juli 22, 2007, 21:46:20
Wat is de bron van deze test (website), en staan er nog meer foto's op? Ik wil wel een detail foto zien van de elastieken aan de achterte pigtails.


Berichten: 94
Antwoord #13 Juli 22, 2007, 21:47:24

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Antwoord #14 Juli 22, 2007, 22:12:26
Bedankt Jerre!  ThumpsUp

Kijk, veel meer foto's die het een en ander verduidelijken, waaronder een detail van het bungee systeem.

Zowiezo netter om de bron erbij te vermelden, High G  :Smiley

Deze gasten uit Australie zijn behoorlijk Rebelfan. Zij hebben ook o.a. de website met aanpassingen (tuning) online gezet. Ze weten waar ze over praten, maar zijn wel behoorlijk merk-fan! (niks mis mee, maar wel vermeldenswaardig)


Berichten: 39
Antwoord #15 Juli 22, 2007, 22:30:30
Bedankt Jerre! ThumpsUp

Kijk, veel meer foto's die het een en ander verduidelijken, waaronder een detail van het bungee systeem.

Zowiezo netter om de bron erbij te vermelden, High G :Smiley

Deze gasten uit Australie zijn behoorlijk Rebelfan. Zij hebben ook o.a. de website met aanpassingen (tuning) online gezet. Ze weten waar ze over praten, maar zijn wel behoorlijk merk-fan! (niks mis mee, maar wel vermeldenswaardig)

Ja je hebt gelijk dat is netter! volgende keer zal ik er aan denken!

Waar staat dat van die aanpassingen precies?
Nick van Kampen

Berichten: 242
Antwoord #16 Juli 22, 2007, 23:32:13
Wat zijn de verbeteringen in vergelijking met de Rebel `07, wanneer zijn ze verkrijgbaar en nog geinterreseerden voor een Rebel 9m `07 ?


Berichten: 63
Antwoord #17 Juli 23, 2007, 08:16:30
Mooi dingie..lekkere felle kleurtjes,
zien ze je duidelijk als je op zee dobbert  (tong_kitesmiley)

Berichten: 231
Antwoord #18 Juli 23, 2007, 14:08:07
Ik heb hem dit weekend al zien hangen in een watersport winkel in Scheveningen. Zag er prima uit hoor.
Ik heb de bar niet gezien. Hopen dat ze dit jaar eindelijk eens met een fatsoenlijke bar komen..

Berichten: 15917
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Antwoord #19 Juli 23, 2007, 14:15:25
[Waar staat dat van die aanpassingen precies?

Is alleen van toepassing op de 9m2 en 7m2

Berichten: 2890
Antwoord #20 Juli 23, 2007, 16:29:59
Ik heb hem dit weekend al zien hangen in een watersport winkel in Scheveningen. Zag er prima uit hoor.
Ik heb de bar niet gezien. Hopen dat ze dit jaar eindelijk eens met een fatsoenlijke bar komen..

Ja klopt ze liggen bij Watersport Scheveningen zag ik! Er hing er ook al 1 in het plafon echt cool! Hebben ze de primeur in Nederland niet? Wink

Zo op het eerste gezicht waren er niet erg veel veranderingen. de struts lopen taps toe tot echt super dun! De grafics zijn ook echt cool, en alle kites hadden wel aparte kleuren Smiley Ook liep er een bungy bij de tips die voorkomen dat de lijnen om de tips slaan bij crashes. Wel nog steeds geen one pump ofzo.

Zag er buitengewoon strak uit!

Berichten: 15917
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Antwoord #21 Juli 23, 2007, 19:16:00
Hier al een review van de 9m2 van de hand van Dwight:

My Review of the 9m...

For anyone who has ridden the R7, you will understand my review better.

The low end grunt like the R7.

A very fast riding speed like the R7. If you love to ride fast, this kite is sweet.

Bar pressure to pull the bar down, is less than any North before it. It is not a no feel bar pressure like some other brands, so people coming from those brands might find it higher. But North riders will like the reduced pressure because they did it while "improving" the direct feel for the kite by a huge amount. If you thought the R7 was direct, the new Rebel is way more direct.

It turns faster than the 9m R7, but slightly slower than the old Rebel 9m.

The top end is way more comfortable/usable than any bow I've flown before due to the steering directness remaining superb at full depower. This also makes it the best wave riding kite North's ever done. You can ride waves at zero power will full direct and fast steering.

The only issue for some testers has been a slight adjustment to the kite loosing a little power when oversheeted under certain conditions. For those kiters, tuning your bar for equal lines with Iron Heart against the bar works well. Don't tune the bar for equal lines in the micro hook. This prevents oversheeting the kite. For most people, just forget it and ride, the kite is sweet.

Construction changes to the ribs were made. The rib bladders remove behind the leading edge thru a zipper, reinforced with a velcro strap. They don't pull out the tips. The vertex rib design is gone. The ribs are fat where hidden behind the leading edge tube, and super thin at the trailing edge. This keeps the rib very stiff with less air pressure, without making a lot of drag. The bonus for me, is less need to top off the ribs with more air pressure each time I kite. The ribs stay hard for weeks. Less pumping, faster rigging for me. Cam battens are gone at the ribs. 3 less battens.

The kite is more lifty and has a lot more energy on tap for boosting.

The kite has a very smooth ride. Smoother than the R7 and another 08 kite I recently tested.

I tested the relaunch a few times to find out how the bungee helps. I am impressed so far. I had no problem relaunching the kite after I dropped it leading edge down, facing me, like we sand a kite on the beach. I think that has been the hardest position a flat bow kite can get in.

Van North Rebel 08

Berichten: 311
Antwoord #22 Juli 24, 2007, 00:14:24
heej kan het dat ik deze kite vorige week donderdag op vrouwenpolder heb gezien????
wist niet dat het zon nieuwe was
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