Artikel AD: Probleem Duitse Kitescholen Autostrand


Berichten: 4827
Antwoord #25 April 08, 2008, 02:53:19
Oja nog wat wat ik toch even wil melden:

Afgelopen zondag waren er twee agenten op crossmotoren op het autostrand, die gewoon vrolijk het natuurgebied inreden. Wel alleen op het strand, niet het riet in maar dan nog? Kunnen we daarover niet een leuke mail naar het betreffende korps sturen? Als iemand weet hoe dat korps daar heet?

Berichten: 908
Antwoord #26 April 08, 2008, 03:29:45
Heb ze daar al eens op aangesproken...ze begonnen toen interessant te doen over 'controlles'....toen werd ik een beetje pissig, walt valt daar nou te controleren, je ziet het zo als er iemand loopt die er niet thuis hoort?!!!

Ze hebben gewoon zin in een beetje scheuren door het vogelrustgebied...t*eringlijers!

Berichten: 4827
Antwoord #27 April 08, 2008, 03:35:42
Ja daarom! Maar jij weet niet hoe dat korps heet? Want dan kan ik een e-mail maken. Word echt pissig om dit soort dingen.

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Antwoord #28 April 08, 2008, 04:42:08
Hi Guys,

could someone tell me, how many german kiteschools are at the autostrand?  Huh

i ´ve noticed not so many german kiteschools at the beach the hole last summer. 1? Or 2?

And, would it be possible, to "meet and greet" at the autostrand this year with nearly all the autostrand locals, maybe during the next 2 month´s and everybode brings a garbage bag to the autostrand and we pick up the garbage in a little clean up session?

I will spend 5 Liters of Beer, if you want, dutch beer. And lets have some fun and clean up our spot? IF we are enough, it will takes 1-2 hours.

If we talk together, duits and dutch kiters, regarding the problems at the autostrand, i think, we will have a more friendly tendency there.

It sounds so bad, when you all say, THE DUITSERS... it sounds like, if one of the stupid germans says: the kaaskopp

i know, we got a lot of stupid german guys here... AND WE ARE GUESTS IN NL! But you all got the bigger beach, which is near to Northrhine Westfalia.

But my wish is, that the spirit comes back! We are all kitesurfers..

for my person, i can say... it doesn´t makes a difference... duits, dutch, french.. wherever you come from..

if a kiter needs my help, i´ll be there.. and i take my garbage back to my car after every session!

Please, think about it and my offer to clean up the spot..

and if you need help, when you have to talk with german kiteschools or other guys..

let me know..  i am one of the DUITSERS...


JB - On The Edge

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Antwoord #29 April 08, 2008, 05:02:27
@ Dree: Sorry..ff niet goed gelezen..

@ Stefan: Afcourse you are right...some guys spoil it for the rest...And your cleanup idea is very good, I think it wouild be nice to do a cleanup session on a nice but not a windy day. And make sure the media is informed to get some good vibes..

Berichten: 3656
Antwoord #30 April 08, 2008, 05:08:14
hallo krijgen we straks ook nog poolse kitescholen ???????????????????????????????

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Antwoord #31 April 08, 2008, 05:10:15

@ Stefan: Afcourse you are right...some guys spoil it for the rest...And your cleanup idea is very good, I think it wouild be nice to do a cleanup session on a nice but not a windy day. And make sure the media is informed to get some good vibes..

jipp, let us show, that we are respecting our nature, cause we need the nature for our hobby.

from 9 Mai til 1 June, i got my major holidays. Weather would be a bit better. And there would be a bit more people. i think that i will stay the hole 3 weeks at oostvoorne at the camping.

but if we wait for a day, when its not windy.. huuuh... would it than be possible to get the media there?  there must be a good forecast, that we can fix a date/time etc.

we have to prepare a little. but i am not able to talk to media, cause, i understand dutch a bit, but speech? NO WAY :-) only patat special and grolsch..
El Rudo

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Antwoord #32 April 08, 2008, 05:52:17
only patat special and grolsch..

Sounds like a good diet to me!
But on-topic, the article says: Intensified controlling of kite-schools. And the article further appears to be not so factual. It is misquoting both Dree and your colleague school.
Fact is, there are 5 licenses for limited size kite schools, as there apparently have been for several years.
It will be down to your judgment what to do, beer and fries won't help you bending the rules. Maybe if you bring on naked German ladies, it might help unless you run into a policewoman or a gay-cop. Chico will love it, that's for sure - I won't say which!

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Antwoord #33 April 08, 2008, 12:09:01
For me, there is no Problem. Cause, i accept all the Rules, cause i am a private Person.

But i want to look  for a way, how we can switch the vibes, from bad vibes to good vibes.

That was the reason i wrote.

And with a "vergunning?" there would be no problems for a german kiteschool.

Maybe, we can prepare ALL the kiteschools, to wear lycras with a "license" code on the back. that would be easier for the "controler" to pick the unlicensed kiteschools out.

And, the risk, is not so high, that there would be kiteschools without a licence code.

would that be a nice way? (would be great if we can use a barcode, than they could scan all of them from the parking space above) 
The O

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Antwoord #34 April 08, 2008, 15:10:52
@stefanKR no need for clean up the beach was cleaned last week .

And this is not only for german kite schools but for every kiteschool that doesn't have a permit for that spot or any other spot where a permit  is  needed.

Berichten: 1112
Antwoord #35 April 08, 2008, 15:52:45
Chico will love it, that's for sure - I won't say which!

Hey El Rudo, bedankt he. Daar gaat mn zorgvuldig opgebouwde imago.
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