Thanks and goodbye Best Kiteboarding.
After three years of extreme, fun, playful, experimental and interesting moments with Best Kiteboarding the time has come to achieve my goals differently.
Best Kiteboarding has made some great improvements and changes over the past couple years in terms of products and growth. With new investors in place and a strategy to boost the brand and kiteboarding to new heights, it looked like the perfect opportunity for us to collaborate. Unfortunately this collaboration can no longer help me reach my goals, so here is a big thank you to Best Kiteboarding for making me feel part of the family since day one and supporting my vision the best they could. All efforts have been much appreciated, cheers!
Taking ‘Free riding’ to a whole new dimension… as I know exactly what I want and how I want to go about it. Very grateful for the position I am in and that I can let my vision take the lead. Right now I am going to reach out to several kite companies to see if they can and want to supply me with some desired gear. That way I can keep my partners and myself happy whilst orientating on what gear feels good. Surfboard here I come, haha. My health can barely keep up with a trainer kite right now but I’m just very happy and motivated to get more energy and strength back everyday.
My goal is to get: Twice As High!
How? You will see!!
We will take you guys along for the ride… so please sit back, relax and have an epic year whilst we prepare for the awesome time ahead. Developing products, finding the right partners and team is not something that happens overnight but with time I know we’ll boost the sport to a whole new level of epic.
Team work is dream work! Let’s go!
Ride hard and fly high!
Ruben Lenten
ps: If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Dat was best een korte tijd bij best.

Zou gaaf zijn als hij zijn eigen merk start.