Best Kite Evolution in 2015

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Augustus 19, 2014, 13:34:56

Peter Stiewe, Head Kite Designer at Best Kiteboarding, talks you through the evolution and development process of the new 2015 kites.

One of the main design changes for 2015 was the revision of Dacron canopy placements. By elaborating the placing of the heavy canopy we were able to reduce up to 15 % weight of each kite without impairment in their durability. This design change strongly improves their responsiveness, the bar feedback and also their low end performance. Innovative optimizations of the kites, like adjusting the aerodynamic profile or re-designing the trailing edge that smoothens the air flow, enhances the performance of the 2015 kites even further. Several smaller improvements in features like bridle deflectors, leech battens and the overall quality as well as refining the tension of the canopy make the 2015 kites the best kites we ever build.

Watch the new 2015 team video 'Everybody Knows':
Make sure to visit Ride.Best/2015

Berichten: 3273
Antwoord #1 Augustus 19, 2014, 21:19:36
Minder dacron is toch ook minder sterk? En ook nog goedkoper te produceren.

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Antwoord #2 Augustus 19, 2014, 21:43:24
Volgend jaar doen ze weer wat meer dacron en dan zijn het de strongest kites we've ever made..

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Antwoord #3 Augustus 20, 2014, 11:13:28
De designer heet ook echt Peter Stewie  loser


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Antwoord #4 Augustus 20, 2014, 19:01:48
De AR van de Cabo lijkt me verhoogd (dus gestrekter)

Berichten: 549
Antwoord #5 Augustus 20, 2014, 19:49:45
Een katrol bij het stuurlijnen voor lichtere bardruk en beter sturen bij depower.... Nog nooit gezien bij een andere kite, volgens mij gaat die snelheid daar nog verder van achteruit...
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