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1  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: April 01, 2010, 13:13:34
ben morgen ook weer van de partij.
het wordt zeker druk morgen.
en dan ook nog zuid... Undecided
weer eens en beetje Kite spelen.
tot morgen...
2  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Maart 28, 2010, 19:34:19
What a great day... Joepie

Again, it was really nice riding with you guys ThumpsUp

And apart from the kiter that got kicked out by the german loser,
it seemed like everyone had fun...

Let's hope that the wind continues to move towards the paasdagen...

See yaaaaa...
3  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Maart 25, 2010, 09:03:10
YeSS YeSS Ik hoop Zondag dat de WOEI toch iets eerder aan gaat dan om 16.00 Grin

According to the new forecast...
your and my wish...might come true...
even the forecast on knmi looks quite promising
4  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Re: Hadlow: mega kiteloop + HP!!! Gepost op: Maart 19, 2010, 00:37:43
megaloop + hp... a post from last year february...
old news...

great style...
5  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Maart 17, 2010, 10:55:47
Weekend wordt helemaal ruk....

...since the weather forecast is changing so rapidly,
I am still hoping for a windy weekend...
Let's wait and see...
At least the temps are slowly going up again...

For all those who are at Mirns on friday...Veel plezier...

Greetings from Bratwurstcountry Grin
6  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Maart 15, 2010, 20:11:28
Ben vooral benieuwd naar de technische kwaliteit van je filmpje. Welke camera had je?

You should not expect too much from the camera.
A while ago, MINI-ME already posted a short video from my cam in this topic...
It is an old Casio EXILIM EX-Z6 shooting in 640x480 at 29.97 fps.
It does not have a fisheye-lens and therefore the videos get pretty shaky,
when the cam is mounted on the helmet.
Nevertheless, the videos I made, while standing in the water, turned out pretty good.
But next time you see me standing in the water you should try to get even closer to me since the best shots often are as close as 2m in front or above me...
Thank you for offering me your spraytop...

7  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Maart 15, 2010, 15:31:02
Mirns was weer eens helemaal ouderwets SUPER  YeSS  YeSS  YeSS

It was really a good day in Mirns again... It was nice riding with you, guys...

@ Tom and Shockman - I do not really have the time in the next days to make an edit of yesterday's shots, but I will make a CD with the uncut videos and will give it to you when I am at Mirns again... (looking at the weatherforecast...I guess very soon)
8  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Oktober 29, 2009, 17:47:27
Ben ik even blij dat ik aan de goede kant vaar in het filmpje. Ik ben namelijk te zien vanaf 23 tot 26 sec met de rood-witte naishcult Joehoe

Sorry...please correct me if I am wrong,
but in my opinion you are riding in the NO-GO zone!
Do you see the yellow buoy at 21 sec? Stay east of it and
everything will be okay.

hang loose
9  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Oktober 26, 2009, 12:12:19

Wel jammer dat m'n Mystic schoentjes in de nacht van zaterdag op zondag verdwenen zijn.

@ Idefixe,
You should take a look at the oase-forum.
It seems like someone found your boots.

hang loose

10  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Februari 25, 2009, 23:56:17
@ workum idem.... uurtje wel net geen hoogte houden.... k%$#@ dag...

gaan er morgen nog mensen wat proberen?

True... sunday wasn't really what could be expected from the forecast,
but monday was pretty good in workum - eventually my first good session this year.
Can hardly wait for the temps to go up soon - I hate riding with gloves and hoddie...
For everyone going to mirns tomorrow... ROCK ON - have fun !!!

@ idefixe - too bad for you, but after all those semi-good sessions you had this year,
I am sure your time will come soon  ThumpsUp

11  Algemeen / Trefpunt / Re: Mirns, wie gaat er kiten Gepost op: Februari 21, 2009, 19:27:04

Gaat iedereen naar Wijk of zijn er nog mensen die naar Workum gaan?


Sorry, but my dutch writing is not good enough for a post in this forum,
so I hope you do not mind that I am writing in english  Embarrassed

Guess I am going to be in Workum... around 11:30...

By the way I do not really understand why some of you are going to be at wijk.
Isn't the wind- and waveprediction much better for ijmuiden???

In case you want to answer...
please - no need to write in english - I understand dutch!

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