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Check eerdere topics hier op de site!! Betalen met visa let op; https!! Dit is een beveiligde verbinding met de site, en dat is dus goed. Anders tel. gegevens doorgeven kan ook. Zeker als je met visa moet betalen zal ik daar voor kiezen! Bij mij ging dat allemaal goed!!
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Berichten: 6
I currently live in London and am in the process of moving to Amsterdam (so you will see a lot more of me on this forum) I don;t speak much dutch but can understand dutch as I am south African born. Anyway, I have used Session1 MANY time - they are excellent! In the UK, 2 shops stand head and shoulder above the rest - and Have a look on - you'll find many mentions of both companies and they are all postivie! Have a look at the thread I started here to get an idea! Now my turn to ask a question . . .is the kite scene around Amsterdan any good? I am in Amsterdam for 3 days to decide whether to move here, based on a job offer. My partner and I wil lboth move. She is a learner kiter, I am an intermediate / experienced kiter . . she likes flat water . . I like waves? (please feel free to answer in dutch) Thanks bpf
El Rudo

Berichten: 6292
Logs: 0 | 252 uur
Amsterdam has plenty of options in the direct vicinity, some spots on the North Sea coast and on the IJsselmeer (the big lake to the north east). Distances are short compared to the UK but Amsterdam is notorious for traffic jams. If you want to learn more on this just introduce yourself to the "Noord Holland" group of local riders here:,23361.8925.htmlEnjoy your stay, and good luck on your position here
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Berichten: 6
Thanks so much for the quick response. I am used to driving up to 2 hours on a weekend (each way) in the hope of getting a couple of hours in.
I'll definitely introduce myself on the 'Noord Holland' group as soon as we've decided whether we're staying or not . .

Berichten: 9427
You could also decide to move just outside of Amsterdam, or even to Friesland(north-west province) or Flevoland(east of ijsselmeer). I live in Harlingen, which is in Friesland, we have a lot of commuters living here, that work in Amsterdam/Schiphol Airport). Harlingen has it's own surfing spot, and 2 alternatives at 5minutes drive(car). If you ever need some help in this area, just let me know, I could show you around abit.
El Rudo

Berichten: 6292
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Be careful with this dude Morres, he's now trying to lure your woman into Frysland... 
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Berichten: 6
Thanks again - seems like there is a helpful group of kiters out here (much like London really)
The company may try to negotiate the use of a 90m2 apartment on Keizergracht into the deal, so I may not be house hunting just yet - but if I am renting of my own accord, I will definitely look into being further from work and nearer the beach.
Which are the best flat water beaches? (for my partner)
Oh, I might also avoid Friesland, simply because I can understand most Dutch, having grown up in South Africa . . . Friesland as far as I am aware does not speak Dutch primarily and I'd like to be somewhere I can learnt the language as I progress.

Berichten: 9427
hahaha your misinformed, everyone in The Netherlands speak Dutch, we here in Friesland do too, it's our 1st language, but there's a second language,called Frysian, which some people speak as well, but everyone speaks Dutch. It's kinda like Wales, everybody there speaks english, but some of them speak Welsh.
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Berichten: 1
Hey South African in London,
Flat water places close to Amsterdam are all on the IJsselmeer and closest are (depending on wind direction)Edam, Schellinkhout, Muiderberg and Medemblik (all 30 mins to 45 mins drive). Calling them beaches is a bit of a stretch, mainly grass areas on land and booties are advised. I like the North sea better and in South West winds, Wijk aan Zee (40 mins from central amsterdam) is a good option (water is kind of flatish by the breakwater). Also can be good waves here further up the beach.
Keizergacht is a very nice address, but parking is a hassle (assuming you want to get a car). I live around the corner on Prinsengracht and took me several years to get a parking permit. If you want to get a car, definitely check out the parking situation before taking that appartment.
Lastly, I assume rugby watching is also important. Sharks, Bulls, Stormers, Lions or Cheetahs ? Plenty of places to watch super 14 or tri nations here. Myself am a Waratahs fan (yes, was born in Sydney).
Glad you can understand Dutch... I was just trying to watch SuperSport's Monday night Afrikaans rugby show, with Kobus Wiese and Joost van der Westhuizen...while my Dutch is more or less fluent, had no idea what Kobus was talking about.
PM me if you want more info on ins and outs of living here.

Berichten: 9427
Isn't keizergracht one big excavation-area  ?
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Berichten: 6
Thanks again guys such useful info. RichardT - I am a Sharks fan - Durban boy. Do you get the Super 14 on TV here? In London we get about 2 games a week . . .terrible considering that is one the biggest annual tournaments! Thanks for the info about the beaches - you are right, I would need a car etc . . but I may be able to to wangle something with the company / they own the whole block which is mostly residential, but has a few businesses on the bottom few floors. Are there any car sharing companies in Amsterdam? Perhaps that is the solution? In London we have companies like I decide whetgher I want to stick around or not, I'll start a seperate thread and no doubt badger you all for information - perhaps I'll take you up on the PM offer, buy you a beer a squeeze all the info I can out of you.
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Berichten: 6
So . . I have now had all my interviews etc . . now I go back to London mull it over and decide whether I want to move to Amsterdam - I do not yet know what exactly the package is worth - of vcourse this affects my decision, but I need to convince myslef that Amsterdam isa good place to live . . .
If I decide to come over permanently . . expect a lot more posts here from me . .
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Berichten: 30
Hey guys, have fun discussing living in Amsterdam.
But to be on topic, i ordered the LF luxury pads and a wind (animo?) meter at session1 a half a year ago. I paid in advance by bank, i received the order in like two days.
After i placed my order it was no problem to change it by mail. They responded quick to all my requests.

Berichten: 9427
and did you ever use the windmeter  ? Anyway, sounds good, start ordering!