Surfers als engeltjes!


Berichten: 618
September 18, 2010, 19:48:32
Boot met negen personen slaat om op Noordzee
17 sept 20:56   

DEN HAAG - Voor de kust van Scheveningen is vrijdagavond rond 19.00 uur een boot met negen personen in de problemen gekomen. Hun rubberboot sloeg om door een combinatie van muistromen en hoge golven.

Een groep surfers zag de boot omslaan en heeft de personen direct het water uitgeholpen. Zeven van hen moesten naar het ziekenhuis worden gebracht. Ze hadden te veel zeewater binnen gekregen en kampten met onderkoelingsverschijnselen.

Het is nog onduidelijk wat het negental op dat tijdstip op zee deed. Waarschijnlijk ging het om een bedrijfsuitje.

Kijk zo zien we kiters en surfers graag in het nieuws!!!!! Joepie

Berichten: 2637
Antwoord #1 September 18, 2010, 20:03:42
toppie! mooi voorbeeld van goed zeemanschap.

Berichten: 15917
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Antwoord #2 September 18, 2010, 21:37:19
Ik moest gelijk aan die nieuwe attractie denken op scheef:

Die verzorgen dergelijke tripjes met dergelijke "ribs".
Maarja, dat heb ik nog nergens kunnen verifieren.

Berichten: 67
Antwoord #3 September 18, 2010, 23:16:20
Mooi werk........ ThumpsUp

Berichten: 618
Antwoord #4 September 19, 2010, 08:42:23

is met foto..    Grijze rib!

Berichten: 897
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Antwoord #5 September 19, 2010, 11:34:00
Klasse en zo hoort  ThumpsUp

Berichten: 1934
Antwoord #6 September 19, 2010, 11:40:31
Klasse   ThumpsUp

Berichten: 2759
Antwoord #7 September 23, 2010, 14:43:33
stukkie van Kiteforum:

Kiteman (aka Eric fresh) was in the middle of cheney lake wednesday afternoon and not a boat anywhere. 28mph winds with gust to 40mph 1/2 mile+ from land and kiteman hears a faint moan. Kiteman turns around sees a head in the water.
The guy is so cold he can not hold on to Eric. So Eric put his kite leash on the guys lifejacket and tows the frozen guy a 1/2 mile+ to wichita point.
I was kiting down wind off of wichita point and thought eric had lost his board. So I went to help out a buddy.
When i saw that Eric was towing a man that was as white as a ghost I went for help back at kitebeach about a mile away . Mark was there giving a kite lesson on a jetski and went to help Eric.
The frozen guy was one of two fishermen in a small boat that sank on the south side of cheney lake. One man made it to shore and the other man floated in the water for 2-3 hours before Eric found him about a mile from where the boat sank.
Good job Kiteman aka Eric Fresh

origineel topic

Berichten: 618
Antwoord #8 September 23, 2010, 15:08:29
Kijk zo komen er goede berichten over het kitesurfen....
Maar in de ned media lees je hier weinig of niets over.
Het is niet sensationeel genoeg???

Berichten: 2759
Antwoord #9 September 24, 2010, 08:45:48
Meer info:
We were kiting in the late afternoon around 5:00 or so.
The frozen fishermen was only wearing board shorts and a lifejacket. I was in a shorty and chilly.
Kiteman had his board and used it to steer with (power hour) and used the kite to pull them down wind to wichita point.
I still can't forget the look on the fishermen face. It was like the prisoners in the nazi death camps . his eyes were open but he was not there and white as a ghost.
Still it was cool just to be around when it happened

cya on the water kiterjenx

de redder zelf aan het woord:
Thanks for all the good words. I can't believe Wes put this on the forum.... To answer some of the questions the temperature of the lake was just at shorty temp but we were in board shorts 74 F. The guy had been in the water for some 3+ hours and had really pulled the energy out of him. After making his initial statement he really didn't make much sense. I couldn't get him to hold on to me so I hooked my kite safety leash to his life jacket. The life jacket is really what saved this guy's life without it he would have obviously drowned long before I got there. Then I just body dragged us both in using the board out infront of me, like that old crazy power hour dude. LOL. I was able to drag us both at about 45 degrees off the wind. I was on a 7M. At the conclusion of the whole thing he was so weak he couldn't walk out of the water on his own when we finally got him to shore. I have no idea who he was or his name.


Berichten: 618
Antwoord #10 September 24, 2010, 17:57:39

Deze gasten verdienen een kitesurf lintje!!!!!!
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