Cape doctor Board laten liggen op medemblik


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Berichten: 2
Mei 20, 2008, 20:41:13
Hello, sorry that I can't write it in nederlands because I only speak german and english. Last Tuesday, at 13.5.2008, I' ve forgotten my cape doctor board at the beach of Medemblik. I you look in google earth then you will find the spot with this point: 52°45'19.13 " N and 5°07'25.36 " O. My capedoctor board comes from the year 2006 and has the following size: 130x38. The board has got a spiral transparently Boardleash under one bolt. On top the board color exists of white and beige with black and white footpads and below it is red(I think a little bit white too). I forgott my board there last tuesday, so if you find it or know something how I can search the board -->please contact me. he best way would be per mail. My mail Adress is:  or you can phone my under 004929156897

thanks in advanced

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