Rrd Type7 9.0 en 12.0

Frank Rrd

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Berichten: 19
Oktober 06, 2005, 15:44:03
Vanuit Cumbuco/Brazilië

Rrd Type7 9.0/12.0
I allready wrote a testreport about the Rrd Type7 15.0. The first paragraph is the same for the 9.0 and 12.0. You can find it underneath this text.
So, what about the 9.0 and 12.0?? These kites are fast and fantastic for kiteloops, turning speed is very good! They pull you away, but start to lift you before you have landed. Downloops are really fun to do and a lot easier, because they turn so quick. They are faster than the Type6. Last time I wrote that the Type6 9.0 and 12.0 were really rockets. Well, I can assure you the same for the Type 7’s. Great lift! But you need to get used to the speed of the 9.0. Its really, really quick. In the beginning I steer it left, right, left, right and then I landed. Now I get more used to it and can steer it with one hand while I am in the air.
The depower is very good, the kiter always stay in control.
It’s quite funny here in Cumbuco, there are a lot of people who are using Rrd kites and boards!
Waveriding is perfect with these kites, fast turning, good depowerability and enough pull so they won’t fall down when you are not steering it perfect.
So, that’s all. I am very glad that I have these new friends with me while I’m staying in Cumbuco.

This is what I wrote earlier about the Type7 15.0:

Rrd Type7 15.0
The finishing of the kite looks, again, very good, similar to the Type6. The multiple attachment points are not necessary on the 15.0 I think, maybe useful at the 9 and smaller. Bar looks very nice! Not to wide, not to small and thin, perfect.
Nice big chickenloop and good safety. Multiple attachment points for the (standard!!) hp leash are clever, such as the fifth line pocket on the kite. I never used the multiple points to attach the flyinglines on the bar, but with this kite it’s necessary. The depowerrange of the strap/clamcleat is not so big, but that’s no problem.
Enough space on the bar to wind up your lines. The plastic tube, which you attach on your spreaderbar, works very well to secure the chickenloop.
Now the most interesting part, flying the kite! The kite feels very familiar, I was a little bit afraid for less bar pressure due to the fifth line, but the bar pressure is very good.
The kite is maybe a little bit slower than the 6, but the turning speed (for kiteloops) is very high!! Landing a kiteloop goes very smooth with very controllable speed, you don’t fall down. It is very easy to kite at high speeds, because of the good depowering, it feels very secure. The kite has a lot of pop, very good for unhooked wakestyle tricks I think, I have to practice on that. After making the first S-bend with the kite I was really amazed by the pop. I’m practicing on the downloop S-bend, the first I tried I almost landed. Something which I could not do with the 15.0 Type6. It was, for me, simply to slow in turning. With the Type6 12.0 I have landed several downloops. After I tried the first one with the Type7 the wind was gone, so next time better. This kite really pulls you up.
Timing your jump is of more importance than with the 6. I’m really curious for the 9.0 and 12.0. The Type6’s where really rockets!!
The design is very original. No kite looks like this one, cool!
That’s all I could say after using the Type7 for one day. More news comes when I have used the kite more often. But I’m already in high spirits!! What a kite!!

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