't Is cavitatie, niet ventilatie

Haha, grapjas.
Prijzen zijn bevestigd door Eurofun:
Speedster foil €850
Pro board €950
Free board €650
North Speedster hydrofoil:The Speedster Combo is an easy accessible foil and the ideal tool to quickly improve your foiling skills.
Due to its specific winglets to improve not only directional stability in a straight line but also the ability of the foil to track smoothly through a turn
- Optional 65cm mast for schools
- complementary fully padded travel foil bag that enables to pad your assembled foil
Characteristics, it delivers a huge speed range and an amazing riding stability.
- High lift and resistance to stall
- Little speed required to lift off and remain flying
- Huge speed range
- Carbon Compound wings and fuselage
- 90cm aluminuim mast and plate
- “Made in Germany”
- included back wing wedge which exerts less force thus helping the beginner to control the lift of the foil
North Pro foil board:PRO FOIL 4 ‘ 1 1 “ X 1 8 1 / 2 “ X 2 3 /4 “ - 2 9 . 6 L
The new PRO FOIL is a modern, all round, foil-specific kite board suited to nearly all riders from intermediate to expert level.
• Maximum control and comfort of the board
• Large rail bevels to diminish catching while going upwind
• No catching and dragging when touching down from flight .
• Adjustable double track mounting system to accommodate a wide range of foils using the 4-bolt mounting system
• Double concave deck shape
• Three strap configuration
North Free foil board:FREE FOIL 5 ’ 0 ’ ’ X 1 8 1 / 3 ’
The Free Foil is a modern, all round, foil specific board, offering the easiest entry to the world of foil boarding in a very durable construction at a very interesting price point!
• Easy accsess entry level to intermediate
• Big planing surface
• Low volume makes it easy to handle
• Full rubber/cork deck
• Lightweight Balsa multicore
• Three and two strap setup
• 4 point connection
• Twintip construction