Riders King of the Air 2019 bekend


Berichten: 9652
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December 10, 2018, 12:31:56
De definitieve lijst Red Bull King of the Air 2019 riders, 33% Nederlanders!

Top 9 from the previous year's ranking of Red Bull King of the Air
Steven Akkersdijk
Sam Light
Jesse Richman
Liam Whaley
Lewis Crathern
Lasse Walker
Kevin Langeree
Gijs Wassenaar
Aaron Hadlow

Top 9 from the ranking of the online video competition and wildcards
Aurelien Petreau
Ruben Lenten
Ross Dillon Player
Posito Martinez
Nick Jacobsen
Marc Jacobs
Joshua Emanuel
Jerrie van de kop
Carlos Mario


Berichten: 96
Antwoord #1 December 21, 2018, 15:30:24
Steven Akkersdijk is out, wie gaat hem opvolgen?

Well… That escalated quickly!

In the past 2 weeks I painted the sidewalk red, destroyed my foil including myself, got admitted to a hospital and been operated on.

Long story short: Due to a huge cut in my foot I had a big infection in the ankle joint which needed to be operated on. During the operation they found that i also had a partially cut extensor tendon.

What does this mean? 6 weeks in a boot and after that another 6 weeks to get my strength and mobility back.

In other words… I am out for Red Bull King of the Air!
As you can imagine I’m super bummed I can’t compete. On the other hand I’m making plans and staying positive.

2019 Is going to be a year I’ll never forget! ….. ???? @jo_dr

#injury #nocontest #capetown #mysticboarding #corekites #blueprinteyewear #breakboundaries #betternextyear
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