Vond wel een mooie uitleg op de site om hoe de kiteloop op te bouwen..
http://www.thekiteboarder.com/2010/07/take-it-to-the-next-level-an-introduction-to-kite-loops/Niet dat ik er over mee kan praten

de enige loop die ik heb gedaan was een poging tot een backroll kiteloop transition... en die ging plat op de bakkes...

Steps to Learning:
First Goal: Surface Down Loop: This is a useful tool that will take your wave riding to the next level. Hold the kite at 45°. Point the board slightly downwind and pull the bar hard with your front hand to dive the kite. Continue turning the kite until it does a full loop returning the kite to 45°. While the kite is returning to the edge of the window, you will notice that it hesitates.
To help it climb, edge hard while sheeting out. To get the kite through the loop as quickly as possible, sheet in on the down stroke of the loop and sheet out slightly on the up stroke. Practice these steps until you are comfortable performing the loop without looking at the kite or bar. Once you are well practiced with an underpowered kite you will want to experiment with a normal-size kite.
Second Goal: Surface Back Loop: To perform a surface back loop follow the same steps as a down loop, except this time pull hard with your back hand. During this exercise you will notice more power due to a faster build up of apparent wind. Most of the power will come during the first 20% of the loop as you accelerate downwind, so remember to commit. Again, you will want to practice this until it can be done without looking at the bar or kite.
Third Goal: Aerial Down Loop Transition: Begin with the kite slightly above 45° and pop your board off the water (you should know how to do a load and pop jump first). At the apex of your jump, sheet in and let go with your back hand while pulling hard with your front. Land heel side and ride away in the opposite direction as the kite makes its way back up to 45°. With each attempt, work on jumping higher and engaging the loop sooner. Start on an underpowered kite and switch to a normal size as you progress.
Fourth Goal: Kite Loop/Mega Loop: This is the most exhilarating of all the loops and should only be attempted by expert kiters. For this trick it is crucial to pick the right day. Look for 17-25 knots of wind and choose a kite one size smaller than what you would usually ride in the same conditions. Practice goals one through three. Once you feel dialed in, go for a sent jump, and sheet in and pull hard with your back hand as you near the apex of your jump. Commit to getting the kite all the way around and back up to the top of the window.
Remember to sheet out slightly on the upstroke of the loop. Just prior to landing, sheet in and pull with your front hand to dive the kite forward and bring it back in front of you. If done correctly, this will give you a fast yet floaty landing. If you think that the landing will not go well, just focus on getting the kite to the top of the window. To progress, try looping the kite sooner so that you are looping the kite on the way up as opposed to on the way down from the jump.