Shoes vs. Socks


Berichten: 13
Oktober 13, 2009, 11:47:22

I am about to buy some kite-shoes or kite-socks and am not really sure what will be better for the cold season... I guess socks give a bit more feeling/control over the board, and shoes are warmer?!

Anyone out there with experiences or preferences? Any recommendations which of the two to give preference? Where to buy (Amsterdam area or online)?

Ron Rodeo

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Antwoord #1 Oktober 13, 2009, 13:08:00
Socks will stay in good condition for a short time.
If you surf near a beach with lots of schells, soon they will be ragged.
Just because the sole isn't extra protected like boots.

I had them for one season, and yes, the feeling/control is better but I couldn't use them anymore after 5 or 6 sessions.

So... my preference goes out to boots.

Berichten: 9427
Antwoord #2 Oktober 13, 2009, 13:10:56
Don't have any experience with the socks, but I know they tend to twist around your feet. I use mystic booties. But I liked my old prolimits better (they fit my feet better.)

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Antwoord #3 Oktober 13, 2009, 13:18:28
Mystic got 3mm split toe shoe, which actually is closer to a sock but then with some thin rubber protection layer.
Got them myself and they are very nice, not for the real cold but for now perfect.
Cure split toe 3mm

Berichten: 13
Antwoord #4 Oktober 13, 2009, 13:21:19
ok thanks, boots I guess then. I do pretty much want to use them for the very cold season too. Any recommendations for a shop in the Amsterdam area or a Dutch online shop? Probably best to be able to try them on as well...

Berichten: 609
Antwoord #5 Oktober 13, 2009, 14:46:32
Those Mystics are very warm but are difficult to get in the straps. I have to sit down to get my feet in the straps.

I went back to my old prolimits, and now I can start without sitting down first.

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Antwoord #6 Oktober 14, 2009, 10:47:42
I have the same problem as Jaapd has, but while using my split toe Ripcurl boots. They have a rubber protection on the bottom of the boot, but this is extended to 1/3 on top the boots. This makes the boots last longer...but doesn't only make it hard to get into your straps, it also makes it near impossible to get it rid of your board while your in the air and about to crash....
My advice is to try some first, instead of just ordering them online...In my opinion your better of with a pair of boots that fit very tight instead of loose, as when they're wet they'll extend a bit.

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Antwoord #7 Oktober 14, 2009, 21:05:14
Both socks and boots/shoes are hard to get in your straps. You will always have some margin between your feet and the shoe/sock, which causes friction.
I would recommend shoes just for the shells and dirt or stuff like that.

Berichten: 13
Antwoord #8 Oktober 30, 2009, 11:56:43
I bought some split toes now and they do the job of keeping my feet warm, but are indeed a pain to get into the straps... biggest problem is that I naturally have  a very "high" foot and with the boot on, I need to the footstrap on the widest possible level and even then, it's tight to say the least. I do not have the problem of getting rid-off the board before crashing, but rather after a jump, my front-foot easily slips out (while backfoot stays in) and that can lead to some ugly twists in you knee once you hit the water with one foot still attached to the board... I forgot to note down the brand now, will post that when back home

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Antwoord #9 Oktober 30, 2009, 12:40:40
I have both, shoes and socks. Last winter i used both together under my drysuit to stay warm and dry. Now i started with only socks: fantastic! Much better boardfeeling, and still warm feet. My socks have thicker and harder soles, so they will last longer. No problems so far. As long as it isn't getting too cold, no shoes for me! Just get the right socks
Good luck
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