F-ONE Next Generation Fuerte 2015


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April 08, 2015, 19:12:31


3 years ago now, F-ONE launched the Next Generation Team to help, form and train young riders. This year eleven promising young kids from all over the world, aged to 10 to 17 years old, have been selected to take part to the 2015 training camp in Fuerteventura with Etienne LHOTE, a former pro-rider who is now coaching and sharing his experience. An exceptional week for those up-and-coming pro riders!
Riders: Mikaili SOL, Evan DRYE, Oscar PERRINEAU, Tom SEAGER, Maxime CHABLOZ, Javier JIMENEZ, Lazare GOURNAY, Lucas TARIN, Kilian BLUMBERG, Nicolas DELMAS, Jop HEMSKERK.
Edit: Petole Prod
More info: f-onekites.com/News/TRIP/Post/NEXT-GENERATION-2015
Thanks to Line-Up and its nice team for the support !

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Berichten: 13
Antwoord #1 April 11, 2015, 11:31:21
Gaaf hoor! Mooie edit.

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Antwoord #2 April 11, 2015, 16:18:28
hou die Javier Jimenez in de gaten! zag m 4-5 jaar geleden voor het eerst knallen onder begeleiding van z'n vader Carmelo. liet toen al dikken dingen zien. nu is hij 14 en zojuist europees Kampioen junioren geworden.
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