Update! 23 september 2006De dubbele heats zijn gevaren en hieronder de uitslag:
First Place: Meira
Second Place: Portas
Third Place: Tyushkevich
Fourth Place: Zoon
First Place: Kajiya
Second Place: Peral
Third Place: Wilson
Fourth Place: Grzelinska
Bekijk het schema voor de voortgang en hoe het is gelopen allemaal!
Om de boys toe te juichen want het gaat er om spannen. Ruubs is er ook weer bij!

Nu nog wind!
De eventkalenderSunday 17th Sep 9.00- 12:00 Registratin Long Distance Race
13:00 Long Distance Race
Tuesday 19th Sep14.00 – 18.00h PKRA Registration Mandatory for all riders entering the Event.
20.00h Welcome Party
Wednesday 20th Sep09.00h Mandatory Riders meeting
10 .00 – 17.00h PKRA Trials and possible start of Main event
Thursday 21th Sep09.00h Riders meeting
10.00–17.00h PKRA Main event
20.00h Beach Party
Friday 22th Sep09.00h PKRA Main event
10.00– 17.00h Riders meeting
Saturday 23th Sep09.00h Riders meeting
10.00 – 17.00h PKRA Main event and Start of Boarder-Cross event.
Sunday 24th Sep10:00h Riders meeting
10.30 – 15.00h PKRA Boarder-Cross event.
17.00h Closing Ceremony with Prize Giving on the Beach
De sites van da boys & girlsKevin:
www.jaloulangeree.com Score tot nu toe:Dudes
1) Hadlow: 5885 pts
2) Langeree: 5330 pts
3) Zoon: 4695 pts
4) Onieva: 4475 pts
1) Boese: 5790 pts
2) Grzelinska: 5135 pts
3) Kajiya: 4880 pts
4) Wilson: 4335
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