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Environmentalists want the kite surfing in some areas of the National Park Wadden Sea banned. The athletes scheuchten birds and disturbed the nesting, biologists say. But surfers are still quite legal to traditional bird resting areas up.
Many of the dragon kite surfers are on the North Sea before St. Peter to see. Environmentalists see the Wadden Sea by the athletes at risk
Environmentalists want the kite surfing in some areas of the National Park Wadden Sea banned. The "Fun-Sportler" so far come across legally to traditional bird resting areas up. So they disturb the animals and make the protection zone concept in question, says the spokesman for the Nature Conservation Society Protection Station Wadden Sea, "Christof juggernaut. It urges use of clearly defined areas: areas in which the kite surfing is allowed, and zones for resting and breeding birds. "Right on breeding and resting areas Dragons-surfers have an enormous Scheuchwirkung" says the biologist.
Kite surfing has been around since the late'80s. Therefore, in many of these sports guidelines still not covered. So even with the revision of the National Park Act 1999. At that time, there was in Germany a few individualists, with the surf board and steering Dragons (Kite) on the water flitzten. Meanwhile, the hobby to a mass sports. In the past year alone made at the Association of German wind surfing and water sports schools (VDWS) 6765 kitesurfers a basic certificate-the figures have been after the association, since 2002 more than doubled. The kite surfers are no problem as long as the Wadden Sea at low tide drops dry: Then, the whole region as a national park, which is entering. But in the flood areas, which are under water, legally to a federal waterway, said Götze. This is the Ministry of Transport. Then it uses nothing, the beach areas are killed.
The surfers come forth from the water Because the kite surfers are not on land, they come from the water. They need only 20 centimeters of water depth. "Thanks to the small underground passage, they can also last the angle of the National Parks," said Götze. "No bird is sitting on its eggs, when a surfer directly to its nest runs past."
Kite surfers can not only in the breeding season and summer in the rearing of the boys upset, but even in spring and autumn. "During the train bird is the Wadden Sea as a funnel," said Götze. Here collects from many bird species a large part of the world stock to fat reserves for the flight anzufressen. "If they aufgescheucht, they consume meaningless urgently needed energy." "We demand that the amendment to the Federal Water Regulation road is the possibility that certain areas of kite surfing exclude," says juggernaut. Of the communities on the spot, he also calls on the needs of nature conservation to take: "You have the opportunity to kite surfing on the beach certain areas to limit," said Götze.
Meanwhile, a 44-year-old kite surfers on Saturday severely accident. The man suffered Eckernförde in the bay near Grönwohld serious injuries. As the police announced on Sunday, had the athletes from Ostholstein in fresh winds and turbulent sea to board first and then take control of the Dragons lost sails. The auflandige wind surfers pulled the direction of the beach, where he eventually crashed on rocks and was seriously wounded. A rescue helicopter flew the victim in the Uni-Chirurgie to Kiel.