Shinn met de crossbow pics


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Juli 23, 2005, 09:38:03
Hier zie je een foto met Mark Shinn die de crossbow aan het testen is in 38 knopen. Hij gaat wel hoog al heb ik mensen me deze wind met normale kites ook wel zo hoog zien gaan.  (sealedlips_kitesmiley)

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Antwoord #1 Juli 23, 2005, 10:49:42
Wij hebben afgelopen donderdag ook met de Crossbow gekanld op Hoek van Holland! Geloof me, Alles wat ze er over gezegd en beloofd hebben is waar!
Wat kun je hiermee trucken zeg en je hebt alles onder controle. Ik heb helemaal geen zin meer om met mijn eigen materiaal te varen, wacht liever op mijn nieuwe crossbow!! (hangloose_kitesmiley)
Marc de Munnik

Berichten: 1252
Antwoord #2 Juli 23, 2005, 13:22:51
Maar jij bent dus teamrider..!! Wat voor boardje vaart shinn eigenlijk daar?

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Antwoord #3 Juli 23, 2005, 13:39:47
wat een hoogte die sprong

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Antwoord #4 Juli 23, 2005, 13:45:18
Halelua niet normaal zo hoog  schater
Founding Father

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Antwoord #5 Juli 23, 2005, 13:50:36
Mooi zeg! Wat hoog!

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Antwoord #6 Juli 23, 2005, 13:54:55
een meter of 15 denk ik. Is met iedere kite te halen met 38 knopen wind, dus niet echt bijzonder.

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Antwoord #7 Juli 23, 2005, 14:24:33
als jij met een 9 met 38 knopen kunt kiten nou respect hoor

enige wat je dan kunt doen is springen  ,springen  en nog eens springen en een heeeeeeeeel eind terug lopen


Berichten: 2890
Antwoord #8 Juli 23, 2005, 17:50:46
Lopen ?? gewoon zorgen dat er een auto klaar staat Smiley
Rete hoog trouwens man !!! respect

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #9 Juli 23, 2005, 18:17:02
Ik denk dat er de komende tijd hoogte en hangtimrecords gaan sneuvelen!
Niet iedereen was onder de indruk van de jumpcapaciteit van dat ding. Maar duw hem in de handen van een ervaren kiter...en je hebt een vliegbrevet nodig.

Way to go Cabrinha. ThumpsUp

Berichten: 804
Antwoord #10 Juli 23, 2005, 23:05:07
maar wat zijn precies de voordelen van crossbow. deze sprongen maak je nog met een arx en 38 knopen. niks bijzonders aan zou ik zo zeggen

dat ding depowered wel echt rete goed op een andere foto

Berichten: 1301
Antwoord #11 Juli 23, 2005, 23:59:46
een meter of 15 denk ik. Is met iedere kite te halen met 38 knopen wind, dus niet echt bijzonder.
een echte tube kiter... wacht eerst tot dat je hem zelf gevaren hebt, voordat je meteen zo kritisch bent. ik verwacht ik denk ik wel veel van de crosbow.... eindelijk weer iets nieuws, inplaats van elkaar jaar maar weer de zelfde tube kites waar haast geen veranderingen opzitten.

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #12 Juli 24, 2005, 09:56:34
een meter of 15 denk ik. Is met iedere kite te halen met 38 knopen wind, dus niet echt bijzonder.

Ik betwijvel dat jij ooit in je leven zo hoog zal gaan met een "conventionele" tube leander.
Sterker nog, zulke hoogtes zijn niet weggelegd voor gewone stervelingen zoals jij en ik, maar misschien dat dit concept weer een deur voor ons opend.

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Antwoord #13 Juli 24, 2005, 15:11:00
ik ga ook niet in 38 knopen wind varen. bij dikke 30 houdt het wel op.
Maar pak een x4 8 in 30 knopen en geef die in handen van mark shinn en hij gaat denk ik net zo hoog.
Ach, we zullen het allemaal wel zien straks. Hopen op een ker wind op een testdag.
Viel dus weer mooi tegen zaterdag. ThumpDown
randy @ other PC
Antwoord #14 Juli 26, 2005, 12:16:47
Sorry gasten maar als het zo makkelijk gaat zo hoog springen moet ik toch eens vaker mijn ogen open doen. Ten 1e zie je met 30+ knopen bijna niemand op het water en wie er dan op het water staat is er ook nog maar een handje vol van die ook echt boven de 8 meter komt. Dit is minstens 2x zo hoog.

standaard 15m springen is dus voor vele niet weggelegd. maar we zullen zien hoe het met de crossbow zal gaan ben iig benieuwd hoe het is als je vol overpowerd staat te varen...

Gr. Randy

Berichten: 804
Antwoord #15 Juli 26, 2005, 13:35:23
maar wat is nou het idee van die crossbow..
wil een nieuwe set volgend jaar, maar ben wel benieuwd waarom deze nou juist zo goed is.

Berichten: 398
Antwoord #16 Juli 26, 2005, 14:26:01
edit2Rapporteer en lees wat meer over de crossbow... als het allemaal waar is wat ze daar zeggen lijkt het mij ook wel wat...

je koopt 2 kites en je hele wind range is bijna afgedekt... tlijkt me wel wat Smiley

Berichten: 2454
Antwoord #17 Juli 26, 2005, 16:06:24
Ben ook erg benieuwd hoe het in de praktijk werkt met de stopperbal en de pulleys.
In pricipe zou ik alleen aan een 12 genoeg hebben. Houd ik mijn 8 erbij voor de hardere wind en klaar!
Maar ja, eerst maar is de tests afwachten en zelf testen en natuurlijk de Nova.
Antwoord #18 Juli 26, 2005, 17:47:32

+ reactie van Shinn zelf!

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #19 Juli 26, 2005, 18:32:25
Shinny himself was aardig onder de indruk van de hangtime en jumpvemogen van de kite.
Ik hoop dat hij snel met een wat uitgebreider review op de proppen komt.

Ps, op het moment wordt hij niet gesponsord dus ik ga er van uit dat het een redelijk onafhankelijk review wordt.

Respect for tha dude.

Berichten: 804
Antwoord #20 Juli 26, 2005, 18:45:14
ben benieuwd hoe die loopt!
springen is leuk maar ben wel een beetje uitgekeken op de x4 nu, heb liever een wat meer new school kite.
die rhino 6 heeft ook meer hangtime zeggen ze.

Berichten: 1757
Antwoord #21 Juli 26, 2005, 18:56:52
 hangtime is anders dan lift. Ik ga liever effe keihoog, dan dat ik lager en langer in de lucht blijf.

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #22 Juli 26, 2005, 19:09:21
Review van Shinny.

Cabrinha Crossbow

First point…..I am not sponsored or in anyway connected with Cabrinha. I am not pimping this brand or this kite. This is purely my thoughts and experiences on something new. If you want to disregard them please do so.

I have had the chance to fly the 9m Crossbow on 3 different occasions now. The first day was around 25 to 30 knots and incredibly gusty. The 2nd was around 35 gusting 40 knots with waves up to around 2 meter faces. On both these occasions I used a Nobile 128x39.5 twin tip. On the third time I used a 5'10” surfboard (no straps) and the wind was around 14 to 18 knots. I weigh in at around 90 kgs (200lbs)

Of course I did not read the manual or any guidelines to the kite so I was interested to see how easy it was to rig. In fact it is simple and intuitive. The bridle is only attached to the leading edge so lies flat on the ground and is easy to see if it is tangled. The lines are colour coded and have kook proof connections so it is easy to figure out what goes where.
I took a moment to put the stopper ball lower but that was the only adjustment I made.

The kite flies very stable. On the beach it has no tendency to over fly the window partly due to the fact that it seems to sit fairly far back in the window. It does however like to drift off to the side so some attention is needed. What is most noticeable at this point is that when you depower the kite it has no tendency to pull you around on the beach….nice in strong, gusty winds.

On the water.
The kite seems to turn in a different fashion to a normal LEI. If a normal kite turns around the wingtip then the Crossbow turns around the centre of the kite. Not good or bad just different. For the rest the only thing I really could say was different was the depower range. It is immense. Even in 40 knots if you let the bar go through the stopper ball you will sink! Jumping is a whole new ball game. It is hard to comment on the lift per se because I would not have been able to hold a normal 9 in the winds I was riding in. So hang time……insane, but as I never tried to jump it in normal 9m weather I can not say it is that much better BUT the sensation is one much more of flying. You really feel every lift and puff in the wind. Three or four additional lifts per jump were not unusual…the kite responds very well to rider input and I would have to say it was a lot of fun just jumping as high of possible and flying……beware though, it is possible to turn the kite too fast and jump with it far back in the window. This leads to vast amounts of downwind speed and is pretty scary at first. If you relax and wait though the kite always catches you up and let's you down softly.

Wave riding.
I tried this in both strong and light winds and this is probably a revolution in the sport. Just turn the kite into the bottum turn and then use the bar to either accelerate or slow down. No more long drawn out bottum turns due to too much power you can just depower the kite and take whatever power you need whenever you want it. In fact the bar is like the throttle on a car. If you pull it towards you at anytime you will accelerate and if you let it go you slow down. Forget flapping the kite up and down to get going, if you just keep the kite still you will find you can generate power just with the bar alone…….something that takes getting used to but certainly presents a lot of opportunity. The fact that the kite turns in it's own length means you have a much better chance to get it is the right position when turning and if you do get it wrong at least you can dump the power.

What do you think? I could ride a 9 comfortably when people were blown off the water on 6's and I could ride the 9 (albeit on my surfboard) when people on Rhino 5 16m were struggling. Romain, a friend was riding the 12 Crossbow and to be honest he looked to have the same power as me. If I was to go on a trip I think I could easily take a 12 crossbow, one twin and a surfboard and nothing else and know I was covered from 12 knots up to around 35/40 knots.

Other points.
I have not put the kite in the water so I have no idea how it relaunches.
I have not tried to handle pass the kite so I have no idea how it would behave, however I did wave ride a lot unhooked and it behaved perfectly. If you apply the depower strap the turn radius of the kite becomes bigger (ie it only turns really tight on full power) and the pressure in the bar is reduced. I cannot see why handle passing should be a problem. Probably it is not the ideal kite for Looped passes but given the other advantages of the kite passably good at this is enough for me.
Without a powerlock hook or harness line it is hard to do much in the air! The depower is pretty sensitive and if you let it go in the air you will drop from the sky. Next time I ride this kite I will certainly put a harness line on it so I can relax a little in the air and let go the bar with one hand.
The bar pressure is certainly quite heavy. I ended up setting the stopper ball really low so I could rest the bar on it whilst riding and then using the depower strap to control the riding power. Not a problem if you learn to deal with it but if you set the stopper ball high you are going to feel it in your arms after a while riding.
There is a hole covered in neoprene in the canopy so that the inflation valve does not rub on the ripstop. Maybe I am missing something here (and I hope so) but why not just move the valve round the leading edge. In a very well finished kite it looks strange.
Why is there no one pump? It seems to be the only thing the kite really lacks. OK,it's a luxury but I don't know many people that would choose to go back after having had it!

I like the kite. Just the wave riding potential was enough to convince me it really is a great advance. The jumping is great and the range is just exceptional. Add to that the other factors of very small pack down size with no battens to get in the way and the one kite travel aspect and I really think Cabrinha have done a great job bringing something new to the market. Congratulations Pete!

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #23 Juli 26, 2005, 19:37:28
....en nog een lap tekst met een uitgebreid review.
Ik hoop dat iedereen een beetje engels kan lezen want ik ga het echt niet voor jullie vertalen... (tong_kitesmiley)

I got the chance to try out the 12m Crossbow Sunday. Matt with Cabrinha and Daryl from Extreme kites got together in St. Augustine with two of them for us to put to the test. Our group had riders from in their 20s to 60s, from about 120lbs to 200lbs and skill levels from beginner to advanced. The boards we used ranged from 6’ surfboards to 125 tt. So we had a good cross section of testers out there.
The wind conditions were very light at first. Three different meters were used through the day to gage the wind. The meter on the other side of the inlet was showing between 7 and 10mph. When the first kite was put up the wind was between 4 and 6mph on the beach.
Since I teach I was interested in the stability of the kite. I was surprised to find that it would just hang on the side about 15’ off the ground. I can do that with the 23.5 Contra in 4mph wind but the 12 Nitro needs about 8mph to be stable. We all had fun diving the kite through the power and with any other kite you could have just stood there. But, if you dive the Crossbow and pull in on the bar you can expect a 15’ slide. For such light wind the power was huge.
The depower was just as huge. As advertised the kite has no power when the bar is at arms length. I think the preset on the “override” feature was the factory setting. More on that later. We all tried small hops on the sand and found the lift surprising. If you get it moving and pull in sharply on the bar the kite will elevate you off the beach about 3’ in 6mph of wind. The landing is soft unless you push the bar away. One guy was able to do a small jump and a kite loop! This thing turns fast.
My first run was on a 179 LW board. The current was moving with the wind up close to the beach and opposing further out. I was able to get to the opposing current which was running between 2 and 3 knots. As soon as I did I could go up wind. That’s not too bad. 6mph of wind, 3mph opposing current, a 179 board, with a 187lb rider going up wind on a 12m kite. I did have to work the kite to get the pull but the thing is so fast that it was not a problem. Other (less fat) riders went out and had even better success. As the day progressed the wind picked up to about 12 to 13mph. We still had the opposing current. People started going out on other kites the smallest of which were 16m RRDs. The largest were 23.5 Contras. People were starting to try some tricks on the Crossbow. I had another try. It takes a while to get used to how different the Crossbow flies. Almost everyone who rode it said that at first they were unsure if they liked it or not. But, as each of us got the chance to ride it more we felt more comfortable with it. By the end of the day One of the smaller (120lb) riders was doing 15’ high forward spins with no problem. The wind was about 14mph. I was on my 23.5 at the time.
As with so many things timing is important. I think jumping the Crossbow will be fantastic. With the right wind and a bit of time this kite will be a blast. I wish we had had the 16 to try.
Any complaints I heard were about the bar and the and how hard you had to pull. We could see that the factory setting was way to far away out for most of us. Matt Showed us that the setting was easy to change for both the depower strap and the “override” fitting. There is lots of room for adjustment and I think that tuning the bar to your personal ridding will be key to having fun with the Crossbow. I also found the bar to be a bit fatter than the other Cabrinha bars. It also seemed to be a slicker. Those two things may not matter when the bar is set up right.
I still would like to see the kite in some good wind but I think the 16 and 12 would be fine in just about any conditions I want to ride. I still need more time on the kite to really see how it performs but, If the 12 will pull me along in the same low wind as my Contra?……That had to do more with the current than with the wind. I look forward to trying the 16.
I am not much of a wave rider but I found myself able to turn and catch waves better because of the turning speed of the kite. At the same time I experimented with the depower and was able to stay on the wave as I pushed out on the bar. I think those of us who wave ride well will like the Crossbow. I bet those down-winders are going to be fun with this kite.
As a trainer safety is very important to me. I don’t know if I would choose to train with this kite since there are only a few kites like it on the market. I would have reservations about teaching someone with it only to find out that they bought a conventional kite. The set up looks somewhat different and could be confusing to the new rider. The “override” feature is great but I can just see an inexperienced rider dragging across the beach because they did not learn to fly the more common design of kite. Don’t get me wrong. This is the safest kite I have seen yet. I tried that trick they show on the Cabrinha web site. If you let the bar slide to the factory setting of the “override” and take your hands off the kite will gently slide to the side of the window and sit on its wingtip. To bring it down the rest of the way just reach up and pull on the centerlines and it falls over face down, leading edge into the wind.
The construction was typical Cabrinha. I like the fact that you can fill or release the air in the leading edge while the kite in face down on the sand. The bridle is not complicated and the spaces between the attachment points on the kite are small. There is no chance of the kite twisting through the bridle. It could still flip through the front lines like any other kite. I think you would have to drop it in some surf to do that.
In a nutshell most riders will find the kite to be very odd at first. If you get a chance to try one make sure you spend more than 10 minutes with it. With a little time I think it will be easy to adapt. Wave riding, jumping and wake style I think will all be fun with this new kite. The safety features and quality are top notch.
Many thanks to Matt from Cabrinha and Daryl from Extreme Kites!


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Antwoord #24 Juli 26, 2005, 20:49:52
Tja, mooie woorden allemaal, maar ik wil er toch wel eens een keer zelf eentje in mijn handen houden. Of niet kitedemon??  (grinnik_kitesmiley)
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