Carlos Mario + Slingshot - The Story Begins...


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Februari 18, 2014, 20:19:51

Slingshot has a proven track record of grooming true icons in our sport–helping build the likes of Ruben Lenten, Youri Zoon, and Ben Wilson. We take pride in finding and recognizing talent and as a result have built a highly-respected reputation helping riders grow to their full potential as both athletes and as people.
Finding this talent is never easy. For the last few years team manager Mauricio Abreu has searched and waited patiently in his quest to find the next great rider. His search brought him back to his home country of Brazil and the talent he discovered there can only be described as “one of the most profound talents that has ever come across our radar.” It lies within fifteen year old Carlos “Bebe” Mario, a wonder-kid that managed to win the first PKRA event he ever entered.
Under the guidance of Mauricio and full support of Slingshot Sports we are confident this talented young Brazilian has what it takes to become part of the next generation of PKRA champions and redefine what’s possible in ‘freestyle’ kiteboarding. And today, Feb. 17th, one day before Bebe’s first PKRA event as a Slingshot rider, we are releasing Patrick Weiland's new short film "The story begins: Carlos Mario + Slingshot", so sit back and enjoy the next chapter of kiteboarding history.

Berichten: 2818
Antwoord #1 Februari 18, 2014, 20:26:35
Mooie stijl die komt vast ver  ThumpsUp
Crowmobe is nice  Cool

Berichten: 261
Antwoord #2 Februari 18, 2014, 20:42:23
Tjonge jonge..... die is goed met zijn vlieger  ThumpsUp ThumpsUp ThumpsUp

Berichten: 70
Antwoord #3 Februari 18, 2014, 22:47:07
dikke Like! ThumpsUp Joepie

Berichten: 2539
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Antwoord #4 Februari 18, 2014, 23:39:52
Tjonge jonge..... die is goed met zijn vlieger  ThumpsUp ThumpsUp ThumpsUp

Dat heb ik niet gezien maar hij is wel heel goed met z'n board Smiley

Berichten: 156
Antwoord #5 Februari 19, 2014, 19:40:41
wat een grabjurk!
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