The Seal

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April 08, 2015, 09:45:39

The Seal

The Seal is a neoprene scarf designed to fit smoothly around your neck, over the top of your wetsuit. It works in the same way as a scarf that you might wear on dry land. Not only does it offer an extra layer of warmth and insulation but also dramatically reduces the effect of icy neck flush every time you duck dive or wipeout. The Seal has been designed so it can be worn whether you use a balaclava or not offering ultimate flexibility and comfort. We want you to enjoy the benefits The Seal can bring for a long time so each one is made by hand in the UK and built to last.

The sciency bit

The skin plays a large role in helping to keep the core temperature of the body more or less constant. In particular, the skin at the back of the neck has a very high density of thermoreceptors making it a key area of the body that the hypothalamus monitors in determining ambient temperature.

The hypothalamus takes action in response to data from these thermoreceptors and changes various bodily functions to regulate the core temperature. Some of the bodily functions controlled by the hypothalamus include, the body's heart rate, the rate of breathing, the extent of blood flow to the extremities, and rates of sweating and shivering.

If thermoreceptors detect that the environment is too cold and that the core temperature is therefore in jeopardy of falling too low, the thermoregulatory system will slow the heart rate and will decrease blood flow to the body's extremities which causes capillaries close to the skin's surface to close (making your hands feel prematurely cold). Furthermore, hair follicles on the skin's surface are stimulated to vibrate, making you shiver and generating heat which flows into the blood. These actions attempt to keep the body's core temperature in a safe range.

By covering and insulating the thermoreceptors in your neck you stay warmer, longer!

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Antwoord #1 April 08, 2015, 10:22:36
Sorry, sjaaltjes zijn zo 2010...
Radical Ronnie

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Antwoord #2 April 08, 2015, 11:32:01
Ik gebruik altijd een oude zwembroek om mijn nek... Had er patent op moeten aanvragen... ;-)

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Antwoord #3 April 11, 2015, 22:59:43
Als't echt koud is trek je een neopreen kapje aan want langs je hoofd koel je het meest af - en een neopreen kapje komt met een hals stuk.

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Antwoord #4 April 11, 2015, 23:32:09
Als't echt koud is trek je een neopreen kapje aan want langs je hoofd koel je het meest af - en een neopreen kapje komt met een hals stuk.

Nogal wiedes als dat nog het enige onbedekte lichaamsdeel is....

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Antwoord #5 April 12, 2015, 14:08:01
Lijkt wel een brace, volgens mij kan die vent niet meer naar beneden kijken  Grin
Volgens mij krijg je een hele rauwe kin na een sessie door het omkijken iedere keer  ThumpDown

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Antwoord #6 April 12, 2015, 15:46:29
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