Exploring Thailand - Part I


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April 07, 2010, 16:06:39
Exploring Thailand - Part I

Flysurfer and Flyboards teamrider Sebastian Bubmann is doing an epic trip through Thailand and Malaysia in April 2010. He is travelling with Sacha de Ridder, the Flysurfer importer for Thailand on his catamaran, Nick de Bruijn is joining the crew as videographer. Enjoy!

Download the video in 720p HD :

Or check it out online on Vimeo


Sebastian Bubmann (Rider):
"Thailand, the first episode. In Bang Saphan we found this epic flatwater - spot right behind the pier with winds coming from the right. Unfortunately it wasn't blowing too good so we had to go out on our Flysurfer Speed3 Deluxe 15's. Still, we got some nice shots and I hope you'll enjoy the action!"

Nick de Bruijn (videographer):
"The main trip has not even begun yet and we already have seen so many amazing things. Together with Flysurfer pro team rider Sebastian Bubmann I'm going to travel the West coast of Thailand and Malaysia to shoot a epic video about the life of a pro kite boarder! We both needed some training together, sebastian for his riding after studying the whole winter and me for filming since i never shot a kitesurfing movie before (only snowkiting and landkiting)."

Berichten: 8241
Antwoord #1 April 22, 2010, 21:38:07
Welke vlieger is dat ( op net ff na 55 sec) ?

Berichten: 9427
Antwoord #2 April 24, 2010, 12:45:30
Unfortunately it wasn't blowing too good so we had to go out on our Flysurfer Speed3 Deluxe 15's.
mooie movie wel

Berichten: 8241
Antwoord #3 April 24, 2010, 16:28:52
Morris da's toch echt een andere vlieger die daar de lucht ingaat

Berichten: 1804
Antwoord #4 April 24, 2010, 16:38:32
Morris da's toch echt een andere vlieger die daar de lucht ingaat
het zal een speed 3 15m deluxe custom colour zijn. Elke FS kan je naar eigen kleurstelling verkrijgen...
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