Wanted: Team rider for Vake 2015 endurance snow kite race


Berichten: 22
November 03, 2014, 22:19:28
24-27 March 2015, the world’s toughest snowkite race VAKE is held again at the Norwegian Varanger peninsula.
This 4 day fully self supporting race is all about teamwork, snowkiting skills, extreme winter camping and navigational skills and the most beautiful snowkiting scenery.

For the 2015 edition, I am looking for a team member willing to take on the challenge to finish this race as a 2 men team.

See the report from our previous 2014 race : www.peterlynn.com/vake-2014-the-full-story/
The website for 2015 is www.vake.no.
Closing date for registration and qualification is end of November 2014.

To qualify for this race as a teammember, you woud  :

1)   Be a very experienced snowkiter on skis (snowboarders or splitboards not allowed by the Vake race committee)
2)   Be well experienced with riding depowerable foil kites.
3)   Have extensive winter camping experience in sub-zero conditions.
4)   Have navigational skills in a featureless environment (no trees, only snow and no mountains).
5)   Have the mentality to “complete the job safely” under possible severe weather conditions and unexpected circumstances.
6)   Be a team player and enjoys the challenge, even when the conditions are not perfect.
7)   Be able to do 1 or 2 training sessions (long weekends) as preparation to the race. Training location most likely the Hardangervidda plateau in Norway in December and February.
8)   Have suitable winter camping equipment as per requirements of the VAKE organization (see the Vake website for details).
9)   Be willing to train and race with depowerable foil kites (some may be still  prototypes).

Send me an email if you have any questions
Please send your motivation letter within 2 weeks and any request for more information to :
Eric Leegwater

The Netherlands

Berichten: 2732
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Antwoord #1 November 04, 2014, 01:14:33
Dat is gaaf, welk merk kites gaat het om? En 'teamrider' doet vermoeden dat de onkosten gesponsord worden, is dat zo?

Berichten: 1907
Logs: 0 | 855 uur
Antwoord #2 November 04, 2014, 06:30:41
Ik denk Peter Lynn.
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