New DUOTONE DICE SLS 2022! Featuring: Aaron Hadlow and Lasse Walker


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September 08, 2021, 10:37:53

In this video we show you the new DUOTONE DICE SLS 2022! Featuring: teamrider Aaron Hadlow and Lasse Walker.

The long wait for the true Duotone Dice fans is finally over! It’s here: the all new Dice 2022 in SLS (Strong, Light, Superior) construction. After the introduction of the Duotone Evo SLS, the Dice SLS was actually expected a bit earlier. But designing a kite with new materials turned out to be more difficult. That is why Duotone kite designer Ralf Grösel, together with teamrides such as Lasse Walker and Araon Hadlow, spent more than a year balancing the Dice SLS to perfection. And the result is impressive: the Duotone Dice SLS 2022 is faster, gives more lift and offers you more control in your kiteloops! The next level kite for the freestyle and kiteloop oriented kitesufer that likes to take on every challenge.

As with other SLS kites from Duotone, the heavy dacron material on the leading edge has been replaced by a lighter Penta TX material. Penta TX is stronger, lighter and more durable than normal Dacron. Compared to traditional Dacron, Penta TX is 50% less stretch sensitive, so super direct. A difference compared to the Evo SLS, is that all struts in the Dice SLS are also made of super light and stiff Penta TX material. All in all, this results in a weight saving of 15% compared to the normal Dice. With a lighter weight and a stiffer frame, you can of course imagine that the performance of the Dice SLS is also enormous compared to the traditional Dice!

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