De eerste pics van de 2009 Diablo Pro


Berichten: 603
Antwoord #50 November 04, 2008, 18:22:38
Wouter zal ik deze chickenloop op me slingshot 2009 barretje kunnen bouwen?
of weet iemand anders dat?
Waarom niet ? Zelfde rvs gat Smiley

De nieuwe Chickenloops zijn beschikbaar begin december. Tzt kijken we wel even in hoe en wat.

Berichten: 1730
Antwoord #51 November 04, 2008, 18:24:23
De Rise is wel errug fijn ja, ik heb de 08 10m en 14m, ik doe bijna alles met de 10m @ 97kg, blij van 16 tot 30 knopen. Ik neem er nog een 2009 8m bij.
Hier nog een leuke pica van Diablo, die vrouw blijkt de general manager bij OR te zijn, ze is iig goed gekleed voor de foto!

Dat is Antonieta Falconi,

Volgens mij kite ze zelf niet.
El Rudo

Berichten: 6292
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Antwoord #52 November 05, 2008, 18:03:56
Hier de review van Jeremie Tronet, geript van het Ocean Rodeo forum, die natuurlijk laaiend enthousiast is omdat 'ie er zelf aan heeft gewerkt:

(voorlezen met een enorm Frans accent:)
"Diablo 2009

Hi guys, I know you have been waiting a lot to know more about the new 2009 diablo, here it is ....
For this new kite we really improved the performances of last year kite .

The kite a a real C kite with everything you want it to do for all wakestyle riders or anyone missing a true C kite.

Why C kite ?
C kite are made for riders who need to do all wakestyle tricks, unhooked or anything new school. The kite react better and allow to get a slack in the line while poping to pass the bar.

We kept all the good from the 2008 diablo and added some great things to make it your freestyle weapon.

The kite fly best with the 5th line. we are working on a small bridle mod on the kite to ride it 4 lines with the peformances of the 5th line setting.

The Leading edge and struts diameter have been reduced, the construction is still bombproof and the new graphic design we are working on are very nice and freestyle oriented.

The kite has less bar pressure than last years kite and it feels good, the bar pressure is just perfect to feel where exactly your kite is without having tenis elbow or getting tired.

The turning of the kite have been improved, the smaller diameter and new profile allow a better penetration in the air, the kite react very fast and turns very good.
The good thing is that the kite climbs very fast after looping it . It doesn’t turn on itself but generate a big arc and very fast while looping ... all kiteloop adept will love it.

While kiting and moving the kite you feel a very different sensation due to the lower bar pressure and the fast turning, the kite turns very smoothly and feel great to fly

The lift is better than last year ( which was already good), you will go high and stay long in the air while jumping.
For unhooking and handle passes, the kite react perfectly, it stays very stable.
After a pop jump you will get the great slack in the line to be able to pass the bar easily.

The relaunching is good.

The kite benefit of a very good depower, compare to last year diablo you will be able to handle the kite in much more wind than you were use to.
The kite is a little less powerfull than last year which was already very power ( to much for some people) than average so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Most of the C kite adept out there will like the new diablo C kite.
The 10m sample is available for anyone that want to test it .

see you


Berichten: 366
Antwoord #53 November 05, 2008, 22:42:55
De diablo is ALWEER een zieke kite gasten en denk dat elke fanatieke C kiter hier echt zijn handen mee vol heeft!!! SUPER ding!!!

de eerste test/demo diablo's komen binnenkort de kant van ons op dus denk dat wouter, barry of ik SNEL ook onze meningen erover zullen gaan geven Grin

Berichten: 1458
Antwoord #54 November 06, 2008, 16:25:59
Damn iemand zei wat een vlak profiel...

ik zeg ik zie geen profiel:P

ee nu hebbe me fuels ook ni veel rpofiel maar iig meer als deze, word technisch varen voor de minder ervaren mense hier.
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